The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
They and their parents are subject to the jurisdiction of our country when they are here..if not, we couldn't arrest, fine, imprison or deport them.

While their parents are in this country they are automatically granted due process rights under our constitution. It's what makes us who we are as a people.

If you want to make the argument against the child being an American automatically means the parents get to stay I won't disagree with that. They can either give the child up to foster care/adoption or take the child back with them to their country. When the child is of age it can come back to this country if they wish.

Maybe because travel was so much harder when this language was written could explain why the ambassador language was included...when ambassadors and ministers got here they were here for awhile.

The Sen. Howard quote says exactly what the 14th amendment says. Foreigner and aliens are attached to the who belong to language.

I don't like putting conditions on citizenship and don't like trying to change the meaning of amendments to fit our prejudices. It's like people saying the well regulated part of the 2nd amendment gives the government rights to take away my guns.

I have a friend that was born on Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland in 1973...they lived there for 6 months before moving to Tennessee...he is now and always be a Yankee. Where your born is where your from.


Well-Known Member
They and their parents are subject to the jurisdiction of our country when they are here..if not, we couldn't arrest, fine, imprison or deport them.

While their parents are in this country they are automatically granted due process rights under our constitution. It's what makes us who we are as a people.

If you want to make the argument against the child being an American automatically means the parents get to stay I won't disagree with that. They can either give the child up to foster care/adoption or take the child back with them to their country. When the child is of age it can come back to this country if they wish.

Maybe because travel was so much harder when this language was written could explain why the ambassador language was included...when ambassadors and ministers got here they were here for awhile.

The Sen. Howard quote says exactly what the 14th amendment says. Foreigner and aliens are attached to the who belong to language.

I don't like putting conditions on citizenship and don't like trying to change the meaning of amendments to fit our prejudices. It's like people saying the well regulated part of the 2nd amendment gives the government rights to take away my guns.

I have a friend that was born on Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland in 1973...they lived there for 6 months before moving to Tennessee...he is now and always be a Yankee. Where your born is where your from.
I believe the parents leaving and taking their child with them, is the appropriate action. The child can decide when he’or she is of age. The point of that discussion is there is been much disagreement about this even with the people who wrote the 14th amendment. Sneaking into a country illegally and copulating would not automatically make the parents citizens, or allow them to stay.


Well-Known Member
Get them out of here
Let them stay!!!



Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!

Funny how when Biden was in office the democrats were for the ”toughest border bill” that didn’t pass. But now they are crying because Trump is getting tough with the border. If we have Dems that are crying because how many illegals Trump is going to deport we know he is doing a great job! Promises made Promises kept!
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BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
She had to delete the post because of all the response she got. These Hollywood actors and Liberals will hopefully learn people had enough of them and are sick of their agendas. It’s over for them. They are irrelevant.
Oops! Thay sure backfired! Publicist working overtime putting the fire out.

If she were Republican, the media would already be asking Steve Martin and Martin Short for comments.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
I'm sure he's a nice kid, but every time I see Barron Trump dressed in that dark suit, as tall and thin as he is, I can't help thinking of the bad guy in "Despicable Me."

Should of seen me at age 18…all hands and feet..

I had to goggle Barron’s age and saw that they described Melanie as a (Nude model)…they made sure they capitalized the N…

These guys are pathetic..