McCain wealthy backers will spend hundreds of millions of dollars running "Rev. Wright" ads and other such garbage, and then the corporate media will rerun their ads for free, over and over, just like they reran the Swift Boat Liars' smears of John Kerry.
McCain does not impress me as the type. Instead Boring comes to mind as opposed to controversal. The swift boat campaigns were not run by bush. There was also a lot of truth to the swift boat commercials. John Kerry was a terrible officer who did have daddys that put him in for medals his CO refused to submit him for. Part of the problem with Vietnam was you had the rich elite in the officer core who were sent their to enhance their future careers. Kerry was one eagerly gobbling up medals for any and all minor cuts and minor skirmishes.
John McCain is an unpleasant and unappealing turkey of a politician who cannot inspire large numbers of ordinary people to make campaign contributions the way Obama can.
The question someone not in love with Obamas hype might then ask is why Hillary with all her negatives collected much more of the popular vote if Obama really is the energizer you claim he is. Think about it here is Obama good looking with all that natural charm and the wicked witch kicked his ass on the popular vote.
That is Obama's advantage over McCain and the military-corporate-media complex that supports McCain. Obama should use that advantage and let the Wall Street Journal hacks whine all they want about Obama's FAIR advantage over McCain in fund-raising ability. At least it's a change from the increasingly tiresome and increasingy racist hit pieces about the Rev. Wright.
Will racism now be the defense of Reverend Wright? Can you defend Obama without invoking the ultimate cop-out? Obama promises to change washington. Yet he passively sat there for twenty years and listened to reverend wright. Passive leaders do not change DC.
Okay - so lets say 79 billionaires raised $200,000 each. That means that they raised around $18 million. And Obama has taken in $240 million plus. So, that would mean that the billionaires raised less than 8% of his total - and the other 92%+ came from people who are not billionaires - Okay. That's fine with me...50% of his financing came from people who have given less than $200.
Not sure this is really relevant to discussing Obamas qualifications for president.
Any way you slice it - he has well over a MILLION donors.
Out of how many people in the US and world?
If Democrats manage to lose this election, I just might join you in that 3rd party.