The Chickens Really Are Coming Home, TOO ROOST!


Well-Known Member
McCain does not impress me as the type. Instead Boring comes to mind as opposed to controversal. The swift boat campaigns were not run by bush. There was also a lot of truth to the swift boat commercials. John Kerry was a terrible officer who did have daddys that put him in for medals his CO refused to submit him for. Part of the problem with Vietnam was you had the rich elite in the officer core who were sent their to enhance their future careers. Kerry was one eagerly gobbling up medals for any and all minor cuts and minor skirmishes.
Here's a perfect example of disrepecting a Democratic veteran by the chicken hawk warmongering republican cheerleading GOP smear machine of George Bush and Carl Rove.
A series of interviews and a review of documents show a web of connections and the swift boat liars exposed to the Bush family, high-profile Texas political figures and President Bush's chief political aide, Karl Rove.
Records show that the group received the bulk of its initial financing from two men with ties to the president and his family - one a longtime political associate of Mr. Rove.

The question someone not in love with Obamas hype might then ask is why Hillary with all her negatives collected much more of the popular vote if Obama really is the energizer you claim he is. Think about it here is Obama good looking with all that natural charm and the wicked witch kicked his ass on the popular vote.

Another false prophet rolling off the tip of your tongue.18 million votes a piece, give or take a few.......and thats with 2 major states with voting flaws you can't just count by estimating. Some ass kicking.

Will racism now be the defense of Reverend Wright? Can you defend Obama without invoking the ultimate cop-out? Obama promises to change washington. Yet he passively sat there for twenty years and listened to reverend wright. Passive leaders do not change DC.

As much as you have Rev Wright on the brain (must be a racial thing), can you prove by Barack's political career that he mixes politics and religion like those of the right wing and the evangelical movement.

Realistically the chances are very good that they will lose. There is still a large part of this country that will not vote a black man into office. There is also a large group that feel that McCain with his experience is a safe bet while Obama brings a lot of risks. McCain is liberal enough that he will attract a lot of crossover votes who do not like Obama for various reasons. Obamas challenge at this point is not to celebrate his campaign hype but to figure out why so many more democrats voted for the wicked witch.

Realistically, I agree, the midwest, southern,@ Appalachian rednecks can't punch that ballot for a black man, eventhough a democrat would serve their purpose more friendly. However, if the primary is any indication, the votes cast and the money raise by the Democrats dwarfs that of the Republic

Try to focus on this point. Its one Obama will have to answer if the wicked witch conceeds.

What did he do in congress while he has been there? Passed three very minor bills that had more to do with Africa then the US.

Its not experience here that I am concerned about its that he sat in congress as if he was sitting in his church listening to the crazy reverend.

Obamas trying to act like he just came from hibernation to cure washington when he has been in washington all this time doing nothing.

This is why you have 16,ooo post, you keep repeating accusations that have already been addressed.

Originally Posted by diesel96
And who knows, there might even be a Obama-Bloomberg ticket......Can you conservatives imagine, a Blackman and a Jew running for the highest office in American...LOL... :rofl:

If you're referring to conservatives in general with that comment then thats fine. When you add the pronoun you to the inference of a racist mindset then I have a problem with it.

What's the matter Tieguy, is the UPS Discussions Catergory real slow that you have to nik pik here in current affairs. Theirs nothing racist about that comment execpt your O'riely spin on the issues.

You're willing to accept their testimoney when it trashes McCain but denounced it when they told you how Kerry really was?

The Kerry accusers were traced back to the GOP Smear machine and Carl Rove. The same Campaign smearers that photo opt'ed Dukakis with the oversized helmet sitting in a tank, designed to make him look like a dork and un-presidential. The McCain accusers were people with nothing to gain except infomation on their loved ones. And the Senators who gave testimony against McCain were republicans as well. In other words, no conflict in interest gives it more believeability.

According to you americans need to know what McCain did while a POW but we are not allowed to ask what Hussien did while sitting in that church pew for twenty years. We are not allowed to question Hussiens thought process when he appointed Wright head of his personal religious council.
That's BS, Barack and the Rev have been chewed on and swallowed like a dog's raw-hide snack and then regurgitated up only to be chew up again.

Besides, MLK preached alot of the same rhetoric as Rev Wright and look where that got him... A bullet in the head and a nat'l Holiday.

McCain survived a very trying ordeal in vietnam. He deserves respect and respect only. Its a sleazy move on your part to even try to question his heroic survival under these conditions.

This is so repetative that your boring me......The man is running for the most high profile job in the world, has flip-flopped on issues, has memory reference problems and has anger issues and we can't question him ? Are you enforcing martial law Tieguy?

I'm not a big fan of McCain for president but how dare you question what the man did in vietnam

How dare you smear Sen John Kerry with proven false intel finnacially tied to the white house.


Your posted link would tend to leave me looking for a candidate with tons of experience not one I may view as sitting passively in a church pew.

I actually would feel better about Obama if he stood behind wright and said "you guys need to hear his message and learn from it"
instead he turned on him because it was politically expedient to do so. Politics as usual.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Those other vets are trash talkers also. Unless they have documentation and can prove beyond a shadow of doubt - they are mud slinging trash talkers. Anybody that says anything about Kerry's record is a trash talker also. Bring me a video that shows McCain made a deal with the VC. You know something like the Rev. Wrong tapes and DVDs he is selling!!! Then maybe I will concede that there is no trash talk!

Put yourself in his shoes. Let's give McCain the benefit of the doubt and say that he honored his country in Vietnam. Why would you owe any explanation to a bunch of mud slingers on your torture and time spent as a loyal American POW. This is outrageous and completely disrespectful!!!!

Marriage to me is for life... but again I won't judge someone else on what and why they left their first wife... It is not my business and it doesn't have anything to do with his qualifications for President. His "heiress" wife and he still live in her parents house. He used her money to fly in some of his campaigns instead of ours. McCain is being trashed for that as well!!! He has proven to me he shares the values I respect as a servant to the people. For me to be concerned, it must have an impact on the ability to run this country.

There are some things that are trash and there are some things (Rev. Wrong) that we have seen with our own eyes.


Well-Known Member
I would tend to agree Tie, he shouldn't have thrown his Former Pasture under the bus, but because of appeasing the "white man and electabilty he had to. Now, you got guest speakers making noise at his church it's probably a good thing that he disassociates from Trinity alltogether.


Well-Known Member
Anybody that says anything about Kerry's record is a trash talker also.

Thank you......Thats why I brang up McCain.....Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Like i said , I don't have a problem with McCain the man, it's his policies that made a sharp right hand turn since 2000', how can some people call him a liberal republican?


I would tend to agree Tie, he shouldn't have thrown his Former Pasture under the bus, but because of appeasing the "white man and electabilty he had to. Now, you got guest speakers making noise at his church it's probably a good thing that he disassociates from Trinity alltogether.

Another clear sign that Obama is a politics as usual guy. Look at his actions not his words. The guy that has the leadership traits to change DC is the guy that would stand behind his reverend and stand behind his church. This issue is not an appeasing the white man issue. Its a politics as usual issue and so far Obama is playing the game very badly.

The guy that has the hutzpah to change DC would have looked us in the eye and told us to pound sand. Obama is not that guy.



golden ticket member
"his Former Pasture"

Does that mean he's going to greener pastures?

Or the pasture is always greener over the septic tank?

He makes me to lie down in green pastures?

:happy2:Sorry !


Well-Known Member
how can some people call him a liberal republican?

For starters he voted with the democrats to block the Bush tax cuts for the poor. He voted with the democrats to expand schip to parents who already have private insurance. He voted to increase Indian health service by 1 billion dollars. He voted to allow illegal aliens access to social security benefits. He voted against a requirement for holders of z visas to carry health insurance. He voted for federal government funding for stem cell research. He voted against the F22 fighter. He voted to expand the earned income tax credit to illegal aliens. He voted against the SAFE visa program. He voted to expand prescription drug benefits under Medicare.


For starters he voted with the democrats to block the Bush tax cuts for the poor. He voted with the democrats to expand schip to parents who already have private insurance. He voted to increase Indian health service by 1 billion dollars. He voted to allow illegal aliens access to social security benefits. He voted against a requirement for holders of z visas to carry health insurance. He voted for federal government funding for stem cell research. He voted against the F22 fighter. He voted to expand the earned income tax credit to illegal aliens. He voted against the SAFE visa program. He voted to expand prescription drug benefits under Medicare.

A kind compassionate , boring old man who is probably the best MAN for the job now that hillary has dropped out:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Try to focus on this point. Its one Obama will have to answer if the wicked witch conceeds.

What did he do in congress while he has been there? Passed three very minor bills that had more to do with Africa then the US.

Its not experience here that I am concerned about its that he sat in congress as if he was sitting in his church listening to the crazy reverend.

Obamas trying to act like he just came from hibernation to cure washington when he has been in washington all this time doing nothing.

Tie sometimes Less is actually more....Bush did a real lot for Americans and the world finding Saddams WMD's! Many other countrys have them and if we act foolishly like BUSH did invading a country without Osama Bin Laden in the house it would be another mistake!. Barrack has wittnessed enough and I believe he knows Right from Wrong! We had inspectors looking for WMD's and they couln't find them and Our military found nothing (Nuclear) that would Threaten Americans. Is the world a better place without Saddaam? I do believe it is. This is all that Bush accomplished. However the war in Iraq still was never warranted! Americans are tired of the lies!!! And McCain, for a lot of Americans see another Bush and they had enough! McCain will act on his anger and we will be headed for a lot of trouble in the world.....We need an ambassador not a hot head! Barack will have more allies on our side. The world hates Bush and they will veiw McCain as the same...Build allies not destroy them!

Learn and then Lead...Bush has never learned much! That said McCain had a horrible instructor!.......Barack is a genius! I believe in my heart he will be a fair and GREAT president!


Nine Lives
Tie sometimes Less is actually more....!

I never would have thought that Paid would be for less government.
And just think, I thoght he was a liberal democrat while he is actually a Libertarian in sheep's clothing.

Don't get excited D, the sheep part is a metaphor.:funny:
Humor in the form of a double entendre.