I can remember(barely) when keith olbermann was the shinning media star of the left....what is he doing these days??? Current TV sure didn't want him around anymore. Rush can come or go, doesn't matter to me.
Let's break thins down a little. The network is losing sponsors and big money. Supposedly losing on Rush, yet Rush is still # 1 in ratings? How does that work? Maybe the rest of the daily lineup isn't carrying it's weight?
This thread is funny, irrelevant but funny.
Yes but............Another MAJOR advertiser pulls its advertising OFF the Limbaugh HATE SPEECH radio show.
Another Major Advertiser Dumps Rush Limbaugh – Boycotters Rejoice | Liberals Unite
One after another advertiser feels the pressure of the general public for placing their advertising on the Limbaugh show. Its the public that will eventually drive Limbaugh off the airwaves, like they did to Glen Beck.
HATE SPEECH was the calling card of the GOP for years, and today, that HATE SPEECH is their demise. I applaud SODASTREAM for dumping RUSH. SODASTREAM, an Israeli business felt the heat of customers who bombarded the company with hate mail for its support of Rush Limbaugh.
It wont be long until Clear Channel Dumps Limbaugh and he has to find a new "HOST" to carry his hate speech.
Yes but............
Here are the ratings for this week in June.
How many strict left are there at the top?
I am not a Rush fan, but I do like that that he stays on top and drives the left nuts enough
to monitor him 24 x 7.
The Top Talk Radio Audiences - TALKERS.COM
So listeners who perceive hate speech respond with hate mail?
@ TOS "Look for Limbaugh to get dumped by Clear Channel after the next quarters numbers come out."
Won't happen. Will you admit you are wrong when Rush is still around after the next quarter's numbers?
Here's the difference. Liberals dont need to be bombarded by TALKING HEADS or constant repetitious stories
Do you even hear yourself? Thats, great! Too funny....
Totally trying to evade the issue. Its not about what Rush said but what TOS said. I don't always agree with Rush and he has said some stupid things but the issue is "Look for Limbaugh to get dumped by Clear Channel after the next quarters numbers come out." So you are admitting your statement was incorrect?
Totally trying to evade the issue. Its not about what Rush said but what TOS said. I don't always agree with Rush and he has said some stupid things but the issue is "Look for Limbaugh to get dumped by Clear Channel after the next quarters numbers come out." So you are admitting your statement was incorrect?
Well, looks like the first shoe is dropping with Rush Limbaugh. And! as an added bonus, it appears that the hate speech that Sean Hannity provides is also on the chopping block.
Rush Limbaugh vs. Cumulus Media: Who's dumping whom?
This is just the first of some major setbacks for Limbaugh and Hannity as broadcasters decide to dump the both of them despite huge ratings that LOSE money in the process.
Ratings is one thing, but generating revenue is another.
Just as Glen Beck found out, he can make tons of money on the suckers that listen to him, but the stations that broadcast his crap have to make money as well, and when they dont, they kicked to the curb.
Like I said earlier in this year, both these men will face the rath of the public for their repeticious hate speech.
Over-reaction much ??Well, looks like the first shoe is dropping with Rush Limbaugh. And! as an added bonus, it appears that the hate speech that Sean Hannity provides is also on the chopping block.
Rush Limbaugh vs. Cumulus Media: Who's dumping whom?
This is just the first of some major setbacks for Limbaugh and Hannity as broadcasters decide to dump the both of them despite huge ratings that LOSE money in the process.
Ratings is one thing, but generating revenue is another.
Just as Glen Beck found out, he can make tons of money on the suckers that listen to him, but the stations that broadcast his crap have to make money as well, and when they dont, they kicked to the curb.
Like I said earlier in this year, both these men will face the rath of the public for their repeticious hate speech.