The curse of Rush Limbaugh spreads to Clear Channel!


Well-Known Member
Rush is still the number 1 listened to voice on radio..... there's a reason for that.... you can wish him away all you want... as long as millions listen to him, he will have a spot


Well-Known Member
Rush is still the number 1 listened to voice on radio..... there's a reason for that.... you can wish him away all you want... as long as millions listen to him, he will have a spot

Is Rush Limbaugh even still relevant? His silly mean spirited wingnut routine carried some weight politcally years ago but MOST people just ignore him now.

If Rush Limbaugh actually took real unscreened phone calls and had some guests with opposing views his radio show would be interesting and informative. Oh Wait! I just described NPR.


Well-Known Member
Is Rush Limbaugh even still relevant? His silly mean spirited wingnut routine carried some weight politcally years ago but MOST people just ignore him now.

If Rush Limbaugh actually took real unscreened phone calls and had some guests with opposing views his radio show would be interesting and informative. Oh Wait! I just described NPR.
he could very well be irrelevant.... but last time I checked he is still the number one listened to talk radio show... am I wrong about that? just because you don't like it doesn't mean millions still don't.... Im just saying as long as he is popular he will have a place on radio....


Staff member
he could very well be irrelevant.... but last time I checked he is still the number one listened to talk radio show... am I wrong about that? just because you don't like it doesn't mean millions still don't.... Im just saying as long as he is popular he will have a place on radio....

He is far from irrelevant and that must drive Boehner absolutely crazy.:)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
he could very well be irrelevant.... but last time I checked he is still the number one listened to talk radio show... am I wrong about that? just because you don't like it doesn't mean millions still don't.... Im just saying as long as he is popular he will have a place on radio....

Ratings are revenue. He is top of the AM charts, but the stations that are carrying his program are losing MILLIONS of dollars keeping him on the airwaves. The top 50 advertisers in the country have a "NO LIMBAUGH or NO HANNITY" clause in their agreements with the stations that carry the shows.

Rush himself today was saying "i dont even know if I want to do this anymore".... "i may not even be doing this show a year from now"....

AS IF this was going to be "his" decision.

The appeal of Limbaugh and Hannity still ranks high with those inclined to swallow the hate speech, but that dont pay the bills and the stations have to make decisions of what to broadcast.

Clear Channel has to decide next what to do with Limbaugh. Do they continue to lose hundreds of millions of dollars on Limbaugh or do they replace him with another right wing kook who isnt quite over the edge yet, like Huckabee or some other kook from the Fox News lineup.

Either way, stay tuned.




Well-Known Member
Ratings are revenue. He is top of the AM charts, but the stations that are carrying his program are losing MILLIONS of dollars keeping him on the airwaves. The top 50 advertisers in the country have a "NO LIMBAUGH or NO HANNITY" clause in their agreements with the stations that carry the shows.

Rush himself today was saying "i dont even know if I want to do this anymore".... "i may not even be doing this show a year from now"....

AS IF this was going to be "his" decision.

The appeal of Limbaugh and Hannity still ranks high with those inclined to swallow the hate speech, but that dont pay the bills and the stations have to make decisions of what to broadcast.

Clear Channel has to decide next what to do with Limbaugh. Do they continue to lose hundreds of millions of dollars on Limbaugh or do they replace him with another right wing kook who isnt quite over the edge yet, like Huckabee or some other kook from the Fox News lineup.

Either way, stay tuned.



I listen to alot of talk radio and I have noticed that conservative political radio like Hannity,Beck,Limbaugh,etc, seem to have non main stream advertisers. Its always buy gold or home alarms or a safe. Its not like Ford or Budweiser or really large corporations do ads.


Well-Known Member
he could very well be irrelevant.... but last time I checked he is still the number one listened to talk radio show... am I wrong about that? just because you don't like it doesn't mean millions still don't.... Im just saying as long as he is popular he will have a place on radio....

You are correct he is probably still the most listened too talk guy. I just dont think Rush Limbaugh carries much weight anymore like he use to back in the day.

Atleast Hannity will sometimes have left wing type guests and joke with them. Its pretty cool he does that. Sometimes Hannity gets outsmarted and hes a good sport about it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I listen to alot of talk radio and I have noticed that conservative political radio like Hannity,Beck,Limbaugh,etc, seem to have non main stream advertisers. Its always buy gold or home alarms or a safe. Its not like Ford or Budweiser or really large corporations do ads.

and this is the "curse" of the limbaugh like radio hosts. Clearchannel is losing hundreds of millions of dollars each quarter from major corporate sponsors leaving the limbaugh type shows.

Ratings wont pay the bills, and the radio stations have a choice to make. Continue to lose millions of dollars now and in the future or let him go and replace him with another right wing mouthpiece who wont offend the public and then gain all the advertising dollars they have been losing.

Effectively, Limbaugh has talked his way out of a job. Hannity is right behind him.




Well-Known Member
The only curse of Rush Hannity and Beck is how much of a thorn in the side they are to the leftist elitists that count on keeping the masses duped with one sides falsies and rhetoric.

In radio, ratings is the only thing that pays the bills maroon.


Well-Known Member
and this is the "curse" of the limbaugh like radio hosts. Clearchannel is losing hundreds of millions of dollars each quarter from major corporate sponsors leaving the limbaugh type shows.

Ratings wont pay the bills, and the radio stations have a choice to make. Continue to lose millions of dollars now and in the future or let him go and replace him with another right wing mouthpiece who wont offend the public and then gain all the advertising dollars they have been losing.

Effectively, Limbaugh has talked his way out of a job. Hannity is right behind him.


Limbaugh is the most listened to talk show on am radio. If Clear Channel is losing money Id say that maybe the problem lies with am radio. I know you have a hatred of Limbaugh and Hannity but they are extremely popular in the market of talk radio. You can say anything else you want but the fact remains that they are the most popular. No matter where they end up doing their shows, they have a huge following that will continue to listen.


Well-Known Member
It irks the left to no end.

If only some way.... the "fairness doctrine"... or some other way to topple the 1st amendment...
look at the hero of all that is far left, Al Sharpton, and his pull..../ ratings
Please go all the way to the bottom to see

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Well-Known Member
Ratings are revenue. He is top of the AM charts, but the stations that are carrying his program are losing MILLIONS of dollars keeping him on the airwaves. The top 50 advertisers in the country have a "NO LIMBAUGH or NO HANNITY" clause in their agreements with the stations that carry the shows.

Rush himself today was saying "i dont even know if I want to do this anymore".... "i may not even be doing this show a year from now"....

AS IF this was going to be "his" decision.

The appeal of Limbaugh and Hannity still ranks high with those inclined to swallow the hate speech, but that dont pay the bills and the stations have to make decisions of what to broadcast.

Clear Channel has to decide next what to do with Limbaugh. Do they continue to lose hundreds of millions of dollars on Limbaugh or do they replace him with another right wing kook who isnt quite over the edge yet, like Huckabee or some other kook from the Fox News lineup.

Either way, stay tuned.


It hurts that his net worth is 350 million and his annual 40 million is only a dream to any left wing "talker"

It is all Bush's fault...


Well-Known Member
It irks the left to no end.

If only some way.... the "fairness doctrine"... or some other way to topple the 1st amendment...
look at the hero of all that is far left, Al Sharpton, and his pull..../ ratings
Please go all the way to the bottom to see

Love some of the names on this list.... Beck is my favorite, but good to see George Noory on there.... and Rusty Humphries. Havent heard him in a long time. I even like to listen to Ed Shultz from time to time.


Well-Known Member
Love some of the names on this list.... Beck is my favorite, but good to see George Noory on there.... and Rusty Humphries. Havent heard him in a long time. I even like to listen to Ed Shultz from time to time.

It looks like Beck was right all along about Benghazi.

I have heard more hate spewing from the mouth of Ed Schultz than anyone. However, he usually does not try to talk over callers, which I appreciate.


Well-Known Member
I find it interesting that the people who do not listen to Rush, seem to know every last word that was supposedly uttered on his show. On the other hand, those that do admit to tuning in, feel the need to qualify their admission by stating that they don't always agree, or listen all the time. So, I will just say that I do tune in and enjoy listening to Rush. He is the best at what he does, and it is a shame that those who may disagree with him won't give him credit for that. Instead, they quickly resort to the name calling and insults--a little hypocritical for those who claim to be so offended by hate speech...


golden ticket member
I never heard a Rush show.......because it's radio. Most on this site know I don't listen to any radio, ever. I hear clips of him that may be played on news shows.
Now that he's on FOX, I will hear him more often. Fox news is my "white noise" while I'm doing computer stuff.....except 7 to 9 in the morning when I watch Dog reruns on A&E.


Well-Known Member
I never heard a Rush show.......because it's radio. Most on this site know I don't listen to any radio, ever. I hear clips of him that may be played on news shows.
Now that he's on FOX, I will hear him more often. Fox news is my "white noise" while I'm doing computer stuff.....except 7 to 9 in the morning when I watch Dog reruns on A&E.

I meant to say that it seems that people who do listen to Rush need to qualify their admission for fear of being ridiculed.

My favorite Fox show is The Five.

Did you see the two part interview with Greta?


golden ticket member
No.....Greta comes into my sorta prime time......Big Bang Theory at 7 PM.
I do tune into The Five everyday....that's when we have our coffee. I like it when Bob Beckel flies off the handle. Greg is funny and I can't tell who has the best legs and highest heels....Kimberly or Andrea.


Well-Known Member
I find it interesting that the people who do not listen to Rush, seem to know every last word that was supposedly uttered on his show. On the other hand, those that do admit to tuning in, feel the need to qualify their admission by stating that they don't always agree, or listen all the time. So, I will just say that I do tune in and enjoy listening to Rush. He is the best at what he does, and it is a shame that those who may disagree with him won't give him credit for that. Instead, they quickly resort to the name calling and insults--a little hypocritical for those who claim to be so offended by hate speech...

Rush Limbaugh has been doing the same rightwing routine for many years and nothing about his rightwing agenda has changed. You dont have to listen to the Rush Limbaugh show to know Rush Limbaugh because he says the same thing everyday. If you enjoy listening to Limbaugh than thats cool.

I personally like to listen to talk radio that actually gives balance and provides views from all sides or different perspectives.

Unfortunately there isnt much politically balanced radio out there besides NPR where they will get guests to represent all sides of an issue.

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