The difference between Conservatives and Liberals

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The bases in the U.S. where I was stationed where all very nice.

But you guys are missing the point.

When my 4 years were almost up, I had to meet with the in-service recruiter. This guy flipped over my personnel file. He hadn't seen one as good as mine. No discipline issues. Got my promotions ahead of time. Highost scores in the physical fitness ect.

When I told him I was leaving at the end of my 4 years, he was shocked.

Why? You are only months away from making E-5.

Simple answer he couldn't counter....

POVERTY. I was tired of living in poverty.

I couldn't afford to get married and start a family on what the military pays.

It's called choices. I chose not to stay in poverty. I chose not to subject a wife and kids to poverty.

I saw over and over military people choosing poverty. No thank you.

You and I got out of the military for exactly the same reason. :)


Well-Known Member
I was 8 years Air Force. I have seen first hand the poverty you guys speak of. As a NCO I have seen junior enlisted who had to choose between gas and food. I was fortunate in that my ex is an RN so we were never hurting for money. We lived off base in a nice apartment and ate at the NCO Club on a regular basis.

The one point that you fail to mention is the paltry pay is offset by the free medical care, base housing and separate rations (money for groceries) that the military provides it's members.

The military will not make you rich.

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Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I was 8 years Air Force. I have seen first hand the poverty you guys speak of. As a NCO I have seen junior enlisted who had to choose between gas and food. I was fortunate in that my ex is an RN so we were never hurting for money. We lived off base in a nice apartment and ate at the NCO Club on a regular basis.

The one point that you fail to mention is the paltry pay is offset by the free medical care, base housing and separate rations (money for groceries) that the military provides it's members.

The military will not make you rich.

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Most first term military nowadays have little to no financial savvy. For this reason most bases are basically surrounded by cash advance stores, pawn shops, credit stores, title lending stores, and plenty of new and used car lots just waiting to get an E-2 fresh out of Basic and A School into a new or used vehicle for the low low interest rate of only 23%. And you can't have a base without a "Military Star Card" (knows as "Dumb Airmen Card" on most Air Force Bases) booth somewhere in or near the PX/BX.


Well-Known Member
Most first term military nowadays have little to no financial savvy. For this reason most bases are basically surrounded by cash advance stores, pawn shops, credit stores, title lending stores, and plenty of new and used car lots just waiting to get an E-2 fresh out of Basic and A School into a new or used vehicle for the low low interest rate of only 23%. And you can't have a base without a "Military Star Card" (knows as "Dumb Airmen Card" on most Air Force Bases) booth somewhere in or near the PX/BX.

I had to help one of the enlisted who reported to me with a financial issue he was having. He couldn't understand why he kept bouncing checks since he still had checks left in his checkbook.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I had to help one of the enlisted who reported to me with a financial issue he was having. He couldn't understand why he kept bouncing checks since he still had checks left in his checkbook.
I knew a guy in my unit who did the same thing. No lie. Bounced around 11 checks before the MP's showed up.
We all laughed our :censored2: off when he told them that he couldn't have ran out of money, he still had checks left.


Well-Known Member
Ralph Nader speaking of the Tea Party and 2016' and his comments are rather kind and positive towards those folks. Ironic that the lines of partisanship are not blurring so much in the center but out on the edges and to the disadvantage of both sides in the middle.

Both Occupy and the early Tea Party emerged in opposition to corporatism and corporate bailouts and yet were divided by astro turfers from the 2 party narratives than control the political, social and economic conversation. Now that both parties have kicked each to the curb, the real conversation is starting to take place between the 2.

Our local tea party has been in vocal opposition to a new baseball stadium (and rightly so) thanks to the taxpayer's back footing a lot of the bill. This has not gone unnoticed by traditional old school liberals who've been watching and who oppose corp. welfare among other issues regarding this project. A healthy prospect when the lines begin to blur.


Well-Known Member
When it comes to the 2 political narratives, and not to exclude others either, holding power at all will bring the observation of Jefferson to bare fruit. Even Jefferson himself did at his own hands.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
So what is just plain ole ignorance? I ask because I was told early on that if you ever want to know something, you seek out and inquire of the expert.


Well-Known Member
I wish we could all embrace our tenuous nature on this fragile ball, skip the political/intellectual masturbation, and figure out how to get off the planet and out into the universe.

A guy can hope.