The End May be Near


Well-Known Member
Ugh! Just learned that our new PM manager is a woman who once worked at our station as a CSA, then went somewhere else to manage dispatch. She’s got about two weeks of on road experience and was very unliked at our location. When she left we had a party and a cake the day after she was gone. She’s incapable of managing a desk drawer, let alone other people.

In any case, I suppose I’m obligated to give her a chance. But I’m not hopeful. I can either ask (beg) the SM to assign me a different manager, switch to AM (which I’d really rather not) or leave. Yucko!


Well-Known Member
as a general rule, I disagree. I’ve had three women managers. Two were terrible. The third was the best manager I’ve had.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Ugh! Just learned that our new PM manager is a woman who once worked at our station as a CSA, then went somewhere else to manage dispatch. She’s got about two weeks of on road experience and was very unliked at our location. When she left we had a party and a cake the day after she was gone. She’s incapable of managing a desk drawer, let alone other people.

In any case, I suppose I’m obligated to give her a chance. But I’m not hopeful. I can either ask (beg) the SM to assign me a different manager, switch to AM (which I’d really rather not) or leave. Yucko!