Are there showers in the locker room?
I'm sorry....I just couldn't help but bring up an old topic.
Locker room? What do you think Trick, this is the "King Of Queens" HA HA? Just kidding here.
When I talk to people and my friends included, I've heard things like "when you're hanging around the locker room on your lunch break do you guys ever chat about such and such"?
Locker room on my lunch break? It proves that the general public and my closest friends have no grasp on the realities of a full-time UPS route. It appears to me that they think we go out to the route and work half the day, drive all the way back to the center to eat lunch and then drive back out there, lol.
Then you get the customers who ask "do you go back and fill up the truck again?" lol. I tell them no, I fill it back up with packages that people give me. Then, I get "Oh really? You still have to go around and pick up packages even though they sent you out with a full truck to deliver?" Good grief!
The most annoying of all is the "they don't give you guys AC in those things?" "All the money they make and they can't give you AC?" When I try and explain that it would be a huge waste because I do a stop every 1.5 to 3 minutes and I'm out of the truck 20-30 times per hour, they still don't get it. Then I got "well they should at least put in the back".
Yeah, they are going to funnell AC into the back of a UPS package car, LOL?? Could that even be possible, lol?
Last week I was standing in the back loading up at a pick-up and it was 95 outside and probably 125 in the back. Sun beating down on the roof and sweat pouring out of me. I was soaked with sweat and shipper asked about AC in Florida. He didn't believe me when I said no, they didn't have it. He went on to say I must be wrong because its "hot all the time". Me: "No, they don't have AC in Florida, Arizona, Texas or Death Valley California. No, Joe, there is no AC anywhere. I told him all the vehicles come from common manufacturers and they are all equipped the same regardless of their destination be it Alaska or Miami.
He still didn't believe me because I got a "Yeah right" response and this really irked me. Here, this shipper is standing there telling me I'm ignorant to the pipe-dream notion of AC in UPS vehicles. He is standing there thinking I'm an idiot because I said there is no AC in UPS trucks in Florida when he think there must be. This from the same person who thinks they "should at least have it in the back of the truck".
Yeah, OK!? Does he understand what he is saying? Pipe AC into the back of a UPS truck? Do people like this think before they speak? I'm coming down hard on him here because he thinks I'm stupid for saying there is no AC in the Florida UPS trucks. He simply doesn't believe it to be true and believes that I am a total idiot. Ok buddy, to have AC in the back of the UPS truck would mean each vehicle would need to be equipped like a refridgerated box-car or truck hualing meat across the state.
Yeah, ok, UPS is going to manufacture all its package cars with refridgerators to keep us cool during the summer months??? See this person who thinks I'm a total idiot is so ignorant its not even funny.
For instance, at the PCM everyday I hear about "idle time" (for those of you not on Telematics its basiclly a measure of how long the vehicle is running without it actually moving. Driving the vehicle will not add to your idle time but sitting at a red light will. UPS wants to decrease everyone's idle time because it will save us money right away.
Everyone in my center has a "baseline" idle number that was determined during our annual safety ride. The center manager questions me anytime I deviate more than 10 minutes from that number. Basically they don't want us running the truck while we deliver. They want the truck off while we walk to house and back. However, my stupid, barely graduating high school, over-weight, weed smoking, 45 year-old Playstation III playing dockworker is trying to tell me they DO have AC in Florida and they do have refridgerated backs of UPS vehicles for the comfort of its drivers.
Is he serious? Don't call me stupid. Think about how absurd his notions are? My center manager gets on me for wasting gasoline by running the vehicle 5 minutes more than I proved I can, and this jerk claims AC is provided for the comfort of drivers in Florida and they should at least have AC in the back?
Refridgerated package cars? Yeah, thats in the pipeline you genius!!