Well-Known Member
Brett, what I want is for the IRS to be scrapped and replaced with the Fair Tax.
I'll take my personal tax picture as an example. I grossed $65K yet only had taxable income of $48K and as a result received a modest refund ($1.5K).
Give me my whole paycheck and tax me at 23%.
Being a fairtax supporter myself I know where you are coming from. I just don't know if we will ever get to that point.
Fair Tax may eliminate the genreal public at large from direct contact with the IRS but they won't go away. They still have a mission from all the other various taxes to administer and they will also take on administration over collection of the sales tax under the Fair Tax system. People wrongly think the IRS came into being in 1913' but it was Lincoln under a 1862' Revenue Act that led to the creation of what we know today as IRS. People are also wrong in thinking there was no income tax before 1913' but Lincoln again can claim that honor in creating the income tax within the Revenue Tax Act of 1861'.
When we got our present income tax in1913', most wage earners were never effected but that began to change after the passage of the Victory Tax Act in 1942' and changed yet again after the Treasury Reorganization Plan of 1950' and the creation of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954' which replaced the IRC of 1939'. Later Reorganizations and the Code of 1986' have yet again changed the nature and function of the IRS and the Income Tax as we know it.
Sometimes you are as bad as TOS when it comes to facts and how you present them. The income tax was instituted during the civil war as a means to pay for the war, but was repealed once the tax was no longer necessary. It was the democrats in later years that attempted to reinstate the income tax following Karl Marx's call for a highly progressive income tax, but was struck down by the Supreme Court in 1894 (Pollock v. Farmers Loan and Trust Co.). It wasn't until the democrats were again in power in 1913 that they went with the amendment route with the income tax selling it as a tax that would only affect the very rich, and was able to ratify it on that basis. The income tax we suffer under today is purely the result of the democrat's class warfare tactics and their never ending bid to put every American under the increasingly crushing thumb of the government.