The Gulf of Toxins


Well-Known Member
History happening before our eyes. Everyone that lives in the soon to be affected areas should go to the beach and enjoy it. Get your feet in the sand and salt in your hair because soon it will be off limits.

Perhaps for a very long time.

Louisiana will continue to get pummeled. As the oil spreads, it will continue to pile up and blacken. Even if the spill stopped right this second, there is LOTS of oil between the pipe and the beach and it's coming.

Alabama, Mississippi and Florida are all screwed. I feel so sorry for them.

I don't believe BP will be able to significantly reduce the flow until the relief wells are complete. And even those wells pose LARGE risks. Plus the August completion is a best case scenario. Successful intersection with the leaking well is a long shot the first few attempts, but they will get it. And then there is the weather. No need to mention the worst case scenario.

This could go on a lot longer and be a lot worse than most think.
Regional economies, food supply, wildlife and more are all going to suffer in a big way.

I don't like being so down here, the leak will be stopped at some point and the Gulf will heal.

It is just things will be quite different there for some time, especially if oil continues to flow at the current rate for the next 2 months..... 4 months..... 6 months. These are all real and possible time frames.

History being made that will be in the text books of tomorrow.

You made a number of good points and like you I do think this spill will have historical implicaions. To what extent, time will tell but no doubt in the case of future offshore drilling, a lot of rethinking will take place. Reuters did report some good news that starting yesterday nearly 6k barrels per day were being captured and that over time that number would increase. However, I do think we'll experience some rough waters ahead over the next several months and the ripple effects will be felt far and wide.

No matter what, going forward with deepwater drilling will demand new and better technology as a result of the events with the Deepwater Horizon. I'd like to see a move away from oil but at least for the moment, that doesn't seem a priority nor are we willing to take a little short term possible pain in order to find ourselves in a better place later on down the road.

Appreciate the effort towards a good and needed conversation that we as a society need to have.


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Wow, a post w/o evoking the name of Klein......But just for the record, the Messiah was elected by the people, Heaven had nothing to do with it. But you can go anoint yourself down by the Gulf Coast....I'm sure the effective residents won't mind.

You should save your "wows" for the fact that this is a thread that Klein has not invaded yet.


Well-Known Member
Somewhere there is an engineer that has an idea on how to stop the leak. There should be a nationwide, if not world wide call for any and all ideas. Not that this isn't happening already. As I am not a Obama supporter, never was, I don't think anyone in the position would know how to handle this. Best to step aside and let the people who are involved in this field deal with it. As president, all he can do is call for support financially to help the clean up and the repercussions to the lives of the citizens in the gulf area due to this mess.

All I can do personally is pray that the right person with the right idea is involved in the process, and the healing can begin.


golden ticket member
According to Post #21, all of us bozos aren't suppose to post anything on this thread.......orders of the originator.


Well-Known Member
According to Post #21, all of us bozos aren't suppose to post anything on this thread.......orders of the originator.


Well-Known Member
There's only one problem with this picture:

The 2 people behind him ARE NOT dressed accordingly either!

And you also forgot about these people too!


And for that matter, you also forgot about these other folks who work here.

If all these people are clowns, what does that make the people who hired them and sent them there and then continue to hit their knees and kiss their.......?

An Editorial Addition:

Timing is everything and I just find this interesting little ditty on a similar thought process.

In Defense of Profanity

Posted by Butler Shaffer on June 5, 2010 08:56 PM
Lew: That those impeding the royal procession had also “used profanity” — thus elevating their would-be “offense” — brings to mind an important 1975 article by David Paletz and William Harris, titled “Four-Letter Threats to Authority.” In it, they demonstrate how the use of profanity diminishes the respect and majesty of those who enjoy power over others; that if you can speak of politicians, for example, in coarse four-letter terms, they will no longer enjoy the reverence so essential to their authority. This is why I have long considered Lenny Bruce to be one of the most important influences in the cause of liberty.

Is rather interesting to say the least!


golden ticket member
"If all these people are clowns, what does that make the people who hired them ..."

Victims of mass hysteria...!!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
If all these people are clowns, what does that make the people who hired them and sent them there and then continue to hit their knees and kiss their.......?

You mean people like this who drank to much Obama Kool-aid:

Hopefully true change is comming to Washington this November and in 2012...we need to hold all our elected officials accountable and hold their feet to the fire...throw all the bums out and lets start over.:angry:


Staff member
You didn't vote for any of the idiots in Washington? Remember Wk didn't distinguish between democrat and republican.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
You didn't vote for any of the idiots in Washington? Remember Wk didn't distinguish between democrat and republican.

Did i say Dems or Repubs??? They are all idoits. You assume that just because i bash the Messiah and Liberal Dems that i must be a Rebublican? What about you? Did you vote for anyone currently in office?


golden ticket member
Hey I'm from CA. The republicans I voted for didn't make it........that's why we have bozos like Boxer, Sanchez, Finestein, etc. I still wonder where Barney Frank came from and how he ever got elected and continues to get elected.


Staff member
Did i say Dems or Repubs??? They are all idoits. You assume that just because i bash the Messiah and Liberal Dems that i must be a Rebublican? What about you? Did you vote for anyone currently in office?

Nobody's talking about you, you self-centered demon. I said Wk, not Lucy. Back into the Lake of Fire with you. And yes, I voted for Obama and still have no regrets about it. Of course I didn't expect heaven on earth or any kind of panacea either.


Staff member
Hey I'm from CA. The republicans I voted for didn't make it........that's why we have bozos like Boxer, Sanchez, Finestein, etc. I still wonder where Barney Frank came from and how he ever got elected and continues to get elected.
But we still have Republican appointees in the Supreme Court, Cabinet level positions (Bob Gates), etc. So regardless of when the clowns showed up, they're still in the same circus.


Well-Known Member
You didn't vote for any of the idiots in Washington? Remember Wk didn't distinguish between democrat and republican.

Thank you!

And tip of the hat for your correct observance!


And considering many of your posts More, I admit to having a good laugh when I read your response.

The truth is we've done it to ourselves but as you said we are all victims as well to some extent. So in a manner of speaking, you're not all wrong in your observation either. Glass half full!

BTW: The original poster posted a very good observation IMO and the basis of a possible good and enlightening conversation on the subject matter. It's sad his efforts to bare fruit in this forum didn't work out but it was appreciated and respected non the less!

My thanks to him/her
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