I'm waiting for all the foreign aid to come in like it did during Katrina. Not
If your news sources reported it more. You would know foreign countries came to the Aid of Katrina, and even the Gulf now.
I even had a customer on my route that adopted a dog from the aftermath of Katrina. She named it "Dixie" after the dixie boats there.
Holmes on Holmes, even has a series fixing and building the homes in New Orleans.
Canada even built a whole district called Canada City (or town), for the homeless. Not only rent free, but paid all UT's for 5 years for thousands.
And, not apartment style either... 100's and 100's of single family homes. (Created a new city, basically).
And, as far as I know, Germans and other Euros and countries helped out, too !
PS: Just remembered, the town is called Canadaville. Look it up.
I'm too lazy to websurf right now.
And btw: Who do you think helps with all your major forest fires ?
911 help was there too, with all foreign figherfighters and rescue people.
Maybe, it's Fox news or someone. But, America gets tons of foriegn aid and help with every disaster.
Gee, we even went to war for you, basically, and so did others !!!!!