The History of Top Rate Progression?

  • Thread starter thisjobaintforeverybody
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You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Your post didn't clarify if you were asking about full-time, or part-time.

There's a difference.

Prior to 1982, wages and progression schedules were a supplemental issue.

1982 was the first year of part-time wages being listed in the Master.

And, it was a 2 year progression. That remained until 1993.

The 1993 contract was the introduction of the 4 year progression.

For all of the TDU fanboys, guess who was the IBT President ?

Yep.... Ron C. (champion for the part-timers)


those words would imply full time.


Well-Known Member
Your post didn't clarify if you were asking about full-time, or part-time.

There's a difference.

Prior to 1982, wages and progression schedules were a supplemental issue.

1982 was the first year of part-time wages being listed in the Master.

And, it was a 2 year progression. That remained until 1993.

The 1993 contract was the introduction of the 4 year progression.

For all of the TDU fanboys, guess who was the IBT President ?

Yep.... Ron C. (champion for the part-timers)

1993 was not a 4 year progression.


4 year progression came into effect last contract where we got screwed in every aspect of it except for the vague 9-5 language.

You tdu?? Alternative facts?


Retired 23 years
Back in 1971 making $6.35/hr would be like making $35/hr today. That was life before globalism. Back then you could buy a really nice house for $20K. Now it's $200K+. I guess it's might be close to proportionate still, but back then you could top out in just months. Now it takes numerous years. That's why there isn't loyalty to jobs anymore. If you could top out in 3 months or 6 months or even a year at a job, you're going to be loyal to that job from that point on. But if it takes 5 or 10 or even 20 years (as FedEx was) to top out, you're not going to stay if you can find something better. Globalism is about bringing in illegal immigrants to drive down wages. Trump's election proves how "the swamp" doesn't want a wall built. They are stonewalling him. Drive down wages using illegals so that, like in 1971, making $6.35 will be big money once again. Only this time your money won't buy you a house like it did in 1971. You'll be living in some coffin apartment and you'll be taking public transit. That's what the future holds under globalism.

You also have to take into consideration that back then they would stop taking out SS about Sept because you had reached the limit of what you had to pay in. I doubt anyone nowdays reaches the limit --if there even is one. Also I'm sure the income tax rates were less than what they are now.


Your post didn't clarify if you were asking about full-time, or part-time.

There's a difference.

Prior to 1982, wages and progression schedules were a supplemental issue.

1982 was the first year of part-time wages being listed in the Master.

And, it was a 2 year progression. That remained until 1993.

The 1993 contract was the introduction of the 4 year progression.

For all of the TDU fanboys, guess who was the IBT President ?

Yep.... Ron C. (champion for the part-timers)


I didn't think I needed to because I didn't know that part timers had a top rate, but to answer your question full-time package car top rate progression, not any other full-time classification. Just trying to gain knowledge to draw some conclusions and ask questions from those conclusions.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I didn't think I needed to because I didn't know that part timers had a top rate, but to answer your question full-time package car top rate progression, not any other full-time classification. Just trying to gain knowledge to draw some conclusions and ask questions from those conclusions.
They don't have a top rate. BUG just likes to act smarter then everyone sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Bug.... it's obvious everybody is talking about full time driving top rate. That comment, as well as your 2 cents after makes me loose all confidence is our union as each side spins the facts to make them self look better. It's obvious that you stated that to make the old leaders look bad when the worst contract we ever received in recent memory was by the people you support, and was the last contract. No disrespect, just stating my opinion.

Now... I'll wait to get called tdu, because anybody who goes against the current leadership is automatically classified tdu.


Got the T-Shirt
I didn't think I needed to because I didn't know that part timers had a top rate

They don't have a top rate.

Part-timers do have a top rate.

Relative.... to their start date.

Just as full-timers have a top rate, relative to their supplement.

But to answer your question full-time package car top rate progression, not any other full-time classification. Just trying to gain knowledge to draw some conclusions and ask questions from those conclusions.

As I said, specifics matter.

The progression rate for full-timers became "National" on Aug 1, 1990.

It was 2 years. That remained.... until 2008, when it went to 3 years.

Our current agreement moved it to 4 years.

It's obvious that you stated that to make the old leaders look bad

But, it's the truth.

No disrespect, just stating my opinion.

I don't automatically label someone as TDU, because they disagree.

BUG just likes to act smarter then everyone sometimes.


For the passive aggressive, backhanded complement.

I'm just here to help. :biggrin:
