The Immigration Issue


Slothrop said:
Let’s see…you live in San Clemente, coffee at Starbucks, wife of retired mgt, spend all day on Brown Café, make racist comments, die hard Repub…yeah, where would I get an idea like that?

and you claim to own a ton of stock that you claimed you would sell when it hit 80 a share. Therefore following your logic we may also assume that you have hired help , probably illegal alliens being paid sub standard wages.


Slothrop said:

I have more questions than answers. Do you have any answers?

One question I have is ‘What would you do to provide a better life for your family?’

Another question I have is ‘Would you have the same opinion on immigration if the immigrants were _______ (fill in the blank) instead of Mexican?’ In your case is would say ‘white instead of brown’.

Do you think current immigration laws are fair? Do you agree with the quota system? Do you think there should be an amnesty, such as Reagan gave? Do you think families should be broken up?

ah yes. lets throw racism in the mix to throw those concerned about border security back on their heals. typical liberal democratic tactic. You are pridictable sloth.


its good to know there are economic benifits to illegal immigration. Despite that I think we need to control our borders to ensure we do not have terrorist sneaking across.


Well-Known Member
Immigration Laws Of What Country ?

1. Only professionals or investors can immigrate to the country. No unskilled laborers will be allowed in. Investors must be able to invest at least 40,000 times the daily average wage. If they can't, they are not allowed in.

2. Immigrants may purchase property, but locations and availability will be limited. Ocean front property cannot be purchased by immigrants. It is exclusively for citizens born in the country.

3. Immigrants cannot vote nor can they be elected to any public office.

4. Immigrants cannot collect any type of government assistance.

5. Immigrants cannot protest the countries government, policies or president.

6. Immigrants cannot display a flag of a foreign country.

7. Immigrants who have illegally entered the country will be found and imprisoned.

Sound kind of harsh? Well, these are laws that are currently part of the Immigration Laws of,

you guessed it,



Well-Known Member
tieguy said:
its good to know there are economic benifits to illegal immigration. Despite that I think we need to control our borders to ensure we do not have terrorist sneaking across.
Can you name one known terrorist that has entered the USA from Mexico? Do you know the history of immigration from Mexico?


Slothrop said:
OldUPSDriver, do you have a thought of your own, or can you only copy and paste someone else's misleading rant?

Wow Susan the queen of posting links and quotes now being critical of the process?


So then you throw in violence against ranchers on the border by illegals, violence against illegals by US citizens etc. What you have is a border that is out of control. Build the fence and control it.


Well-Known Member
Sloth-getting good at name calling aren't you. Moreluck doesn't agree with your views, she's racist. Tie doesn't agree with your views he's xenophobic. Can't wait to hear what I am since I don't agree with your views either.


Well-Known Member
wily_old_vet said:
Sloth-getting good at name calling aren't you. Moreluck doesn't agree with your views, she's racist. Tie doesn't agree with your views he's xenophobic. Can't wait to hear what I am since I don't agree with your views either.

Moreluck has displayed her racist attitude more than once in the past, tieguy is clearly a xenophobe. These are observations, not name calling. OldUPSDriver obviously cut and pasted his comment from another site without crediting his source.

I have yet to see any poster come up with an idea of what to do about the immigration issue. Are you aware that the immigration laws with respect to Mexico have changed drastically in the last 50 years? Do you think it is in our best interests to criminalize 12 million+ humans who provide necessary service to our country? Do you think families should be torn apart because a parent is not legal, but a child is?

Here’s what I think: provide a path to citizenship for any native born Mexican that is willing to learn English, pay taxes, hold a job and stay out of trouble with the law. Shoot, why not just let citizens of North America move freely between the borders of the three countries? I don’t have a problem with that, either.

Do you have any ideas?

PS---I find it interesting to note that you disagree with my views, when I haven’t expressed any views until this post. :confused:1
i will give you my take on immigration in 1999 my aunt and uncle wanted to move from canada. my uncle was a federal prison guard in canada they had two or three business. it took ten years for them to become americans. i had to sponser them it was like buying four houses at one time. even though they had more money than me. i thought this was alot of work but the usa was not letting people just come in. then sept 11th happened i learned we have different rules for different countries. we donot let in alot of people that we should. my aunt now has condos in palm springs and other places. we need to close the borders then decide fairly what to do with 12 million


Slothrop said:
Besides being xenophobic, you appear to be extremely ignorant, as well.

Interesting irony. The liberal tends to speak out against labeling as they label anyone that disagrees with them.

You couldn't dispute the point that Santa Anna was a terrorist who came across the mexican border and terrorized american settlers therefore you chose to resort to name calling as a last desperate defense.



As to the other issues .

Seal the border. Protect americans. Control the border to squelch what has become a resurgence of the wild wild west. Then talk about what we should do with those who crossed before we sealed the border.


Well-Known Member
I've heard one of the chief complaints about the illegal immigration problem as being the lack of taxes being paid and there is some truth to this. Although it may have other problems and issues depending on one's personal financial situation, the propsed Fair Tax Act which would eliminate the current income and social security tax along with the various capital gains, corp., estate and other various income taxes and replace it with a national sales tax would for the most part eliminate this problem of purported non-payment of taxes.

As a libertarian I believe that globally and by unalienable right we should be able to transcend national borders at will. However, when you have a type of infrastructure that we have here in the US and likewise for Mexico based on what I've read at the earlier link I posted and at other sites, I can understand the need to have some control and ability to moderate access to that infrastructure. Mexico's rules that I read seem prudent enough and my understanding is the current US rules are likewise similar. Canada may as well be near the same. You know, you would have thought that within NAFTA that this issue got some mention as the heart of any business to begin with is the labor to drive it.

It's also funny to me that with all the union hesteria about all the jobs leaving the US and going south that we'd have so many people annually making the hard trip north and south all the time to find work. Like many, many things we see and here, this may be vastly overblown as well.
