The Lets Get Rid Of Our Cops Movement


Happy Verified UPSer
Does anyone else recognize the irony where, anytime Black Lives Matter is invoked, there is a crime wave full of violence and looting in the aftermath? Its almost as if they are showcasing an accurate stereotype that black people are largely, violent lawless criminals...
ya, it's cheap entertainment.


Happy Verified UPSer
Ever wonder...
According to the media:
-3 weeks ago cops and first responders were "heros" in the virus crisis.
-Now cops are evil and must be eliminated.
-No one is reporting on the virus now, why is that?

Someone is manipulating and using the protesters and rioters.
Ask yourself... what is the purpose and goal?
Who stands to gain?

Unless your judgement is so clouded or myopic that you can't see past the seemingly unrelated events.
Exactly right. people are just puppets and are lead in a certain direction for a reason.

I have an idea what that reason is but youse people already think I'm nuts. I am a student of history. this has happened before .


Strength through joy
If any trouble starts to come my way I'm going to follow Uncle Joe's advice about shooting them in the leg or arm. But seeing how I'm a rotten shooter, I'd most likely miss and hit them in the head, sorry.


Strength through joy
Exactly right. people are just puppets and are lead in a certain direction for a reason.

I have an idea what that reason is but youse people already think I'm nuts. I am a student of history. this has happened before .
It has happened many times in History.
Whole tribes have been killed on a false rumor.
Every piece of land that we know of today, was once "owned " by another group. Yet many people are only concerned about who "we" stole it from.


Well-Known Member

I always thought it would be funny to go to the home depot, grab one of those 20lb crates of roofing nails, and while they are out professionally protesting, walk around their buses and just throw handfuls of nails infront of all the tires. See how they react when they are broke down 300 miles away from mommy.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
At least you don't have to worry about covid as long as your gathering isn't for the wrong cause.


What a :censored2:ing fraud.


Well-Known Member
At least you don't have to worry about covid as long as your gathering isn't for the wrong cause.


What a :censored2:ing fraud.

I havent worn a mask since the first week of the first report of the "outbreak", and at UPS we've touched more Chinese packages than a Wuhan hooker and no one I know has gotten it or died... of course its a fraud


Strength through joy
What if it isn't a fraud ?
Then all these protesters were newly exposed.
In a funny way it all makes sense; they willingly come together to join mass protests and end up leaving with the virus. As more get ill, fewer can show up at future protests , thus making the crowds smaller and in the end killing the whole movement.


Well-Known Member
What if it isn't a fraud ?
Then all these protesters were newly exposed.
In a funny way it all makes sense; they willingly come together to join mass protests and end up leaving with the virus. As more get ill, fewer can show up at future protests , thus making the crowds smaller and in the end killing the whole movement.

Im a cynic, but Im not quite that cynical. I think that the destruction of Trumps excellent economic recovery was the real goal behind the stay-at-home orders. These career politicians who have never used a hand tool in their life and have only made decisions for how other ppl should live, while getting wealthy beyond imagination actually have ALOT to lose, so they are going to pull out all the stops they can to maintain their power. They will, per usual, manipulate the most gullible people in society to white-knight FOR them, and maintain that power as long as they can.

This will all just be another thing to point at Trump for during the election season.

Just like I tell people who watch the news as if its gospel; they dont care if you are screaming at the top of your lungs, or nodding your head in total agreement, the ONLY thing they care about is whether or not you are watching. Because they report those ratings number to advertisers and thats how they determine how much they can charge to show ads on their network. If someone has an audience of 100, they arent going to be able to charge $1mil for a prime-time ad. But if they have 100mil viewers, thats no problem. So if anything, they have every incentive to keep people glued to the TV whether its "just to see what theyre saying" or not.


Well-Known Member
actually this is what conservatives usually naively say that if you dont like something in a market dont give it money.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
What if it isn't a fraud ?
Then all these protesters were newly exposed.
In a funny way it all makes sense; they willingly come together to join mass protests and end up leaving with the virus. As more get ill, fewer can show up at future protests , thus making the crowds smaller and in the end killing the whole movement.
More likely, it will help herd immunity take place faster since the dumbbutts had everyone stay home.