You can see the stuff they go through day in and day out and not have any issues. They need treatment. That's why when people say "but the guy said he can't breath". They hear stuff like that all day long from people being arrested. Doesn't make it right but again they become desensitized to it.
Again, this is where the training comes in. It should help them be less desensitized to stuff like this. Helping them see people as people and not criminals .I bet they do hear “I can’t breathe” all day. But they should be big time worried every time they hear it when they’re using a method of restraint, such as a 7-9 minute knee to the neck that either wasn’t endorsed/taught or was explicitly condemned in their training.
Again, this is where the training comes in. It should help them be less desensitized to stuff like this. Helping them see people as people and not criminals .
Minneapolis just started to ban chokeholds ... today.I still think we'll find out this has been a common technique used by many police departments
That’s the problem.I still think we'll find out this has been a common technique used by many police departments
That’s the problem.
A reasonable person would admit there are many situations that police respond to that could be better handled by someone with different training. When your only tool is a hammer everything becomes a nail. It’s time we move past the current default solution of murdering black people.
No more behavior like this...
Correct me if im wrong, that dude WAS a criminal..Again, this is where the training comes in. It should help them be less desensitized to stuff like this. Helping them see people as people and not criminals .
Marxism makes a lot of sense on paper.You should try reading the articles, not just the headlines. The arguments make a lot of sense to shift resources away from a military force occupying our country.
YesHow about the cops pushing an old man down making his head bleed? Did you enjoy that video? Do you feel safer with those cops out there?
wow 57 bad cops in one dept. would you imagine that. its almost like theres somethign wrong with the system:
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The guardian has an interactive list of the killings. Spend a few minutes looking at the crimes these people did and were doing when they died.Probably did but that was what I saw. There were 1004 police killings in 2019, majority were white. The whole narrative of white cops hunting down black men doesn't hold up. Primarily pushed to get black votes by scaring them into thinking Republicans hate them and only liberal whites care.
officer george green and billyer bob!George is aty cop and don’t forget Lahey