The Lets Get Rid Of Our Cops Movement


Inordinately Right
Propublica, LMAO


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Seattle City Council Resolution Would Replace Police With ‘Civilian-Led Department’

The Seattle City Council proposed a resolution to defund the city's police department and create a "Civilian-led Department of Community Safety & Violence Prevention" on Friday.

Seattle police chief Carmen Best said would be "absolutely detrimental" to the city.

"I think that the impact would be absolutely detrimental not only for the police department but for the community that we serve," Best told NPR. "Just lopping off 50 percent of our officers, I would think at this time would be a reckless maneuver and I'm hoping that people will calm down and look at ways that we can have a real plan in place of how we might transfer some of the responsibilities and services to other areas."

That's too bad, we really enjoyed visiting Seattle, especially the fish market area. Guess that won't be happening anytime soon. :sad-little:


Box Ox

Well-Known Member
The Seattle City Council proposed a resolution to defund the city's police department and create a "Civilian-led Department of Community Safety & Violence Prevention" on Friday.

Idiots. Hopefully America will grow tired of the hard left’s :censored2: after enough black people and police have died at the hands of criminals and send in Robocop to sweep the streets.


It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Idiots. Hopefully America will grow tired of the hard left’s :censored2: after enough black people and police have died at the hands of criminals and send in Robocop to sweep the streets.

Conservatives: Cities are hell holes overrun with crime.
Progressives: Maybe we should rethink the allocation of resources to address the root causes of crime since policing isn’t producing the desired outcome.
Conservatives: Cities are going to be overrun with crime if they don’t continue to do exactly the same thing they’ve been doing for decades!


Strength through joy
Let the city of Seattle abolish their police dept.
No armed and trained officers on the streets will quickly turn the city into a NO Man's Land.
Companies will move away taking their employees with them.
Taxes will have to be raised to made up the differences after the companies leave, thus forcing out anyone still living there to go, too.
The rats and other wild life will quickly move in to all the empty buildings.
Even the gangs will soon realize that having no people to rule over is bad for business.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
BLM Sues City Of Seattle, Claims They Must Purchase Expensive Protective Gear To Exercise First Amendment Rights


"Five protesters who say they’ve taken part in several Black Lives Matter demonstrations in Seattle are suing the city, claiming that the Seattle Police Department’s aggressive crowd control measures have forced them to purchase expensive protective gear, essentially “pricing” them out of exercising their First Amendment rights."

"The five plaintiffs in the lawsuit allege that the purchase of helmets, gas masks, protective clothing, goggles, gloves, boots, umbrellas and other gear they say are needed to fend off police pepper spray, less-lethal projectiles and other crowd-dispersal tools has impinged on their civil right to peacefully protest,” the outlet noted."

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

"Why Is The Arnold Schwarzenegger Hit 'Kindergarten Cop' Being Banned?"

"It looks like the crime comedy Kindergarten Cop has been given a permanent time-out. The 1990 PG-13 Arnold Schwarzenegger film, which was slated to be shown at a drive-in film festival in Portland, Oregon has been removed from the lineup. Anti-police critics, lead by local author Lois Leven claimed that the film promotes "school-to-prison pipeline" and romanticizes over-policing." The film has also been likened to Birth of a Nation, along with Gone With the Wind."


Well-Known Member

"Why Is The Arnold Schwarzenegger Hit 'Kindergarten Cop' Being Banned?"

"It looks like the crime comedy Kindergarten Cop has been given a permanent time-out. The 1990 PG-13 Arnold Schwarzenegger film, which was slated to be shown at a drive-in film festival in Portland, Oregon has been removed from the lineup. Anti-police critics, lead by local author Lois Leven claimed that the film promotes "school-to-prison pipeline" and romanticizes over-policing." The film has also been likened to Birth of a Nation, along with Gone With the Wind."
Heaven help us if we ever go to war with China or Russia.