The Lets Get Rid Of Our Cops Movement


Well-Known Member
that was a truly stupid response. its real simple lets see if you can answer the question

do dictatorships and tyrant run countries like china, NK , and Russia report accurate numbers on who they lock up

do Tyrant countries and third world countries with third world health systems report accurate health statistics?

they answer is absolutely not

These stats rely solely on the reporting of countries. It’s not a science, with any accountability whatsoever. Anyone can just make up anything they want and call it a stat! Hahahaha


Well-Known Member
These stats rely solely on the reporting of countries. It’s not a science, with any accountability whatsoever. Anyone can just make up anything they want and call it a stat! Hahahaha
Exactly. While the rest of the world has dealt with constant new cases of Covid-19 the Chinese claim they have stopped it in its tracks. Yet leaks out of China suggest it's much worse there than anywhere else which the American Left adamantly denies.


nowhere special
Exactly. While the rest of the world has dealt with constant new cases of Covid-19 the Chinese claim they have stopped it in its tracks. Yet leaks out of China suggest it's much worse there than anywhere else which the American Left adamantly denies.
China lied. People died.


Strength through joy
Exactly. While the rest of the world has dealt with constant new cases of Covid-19 the Chinese claim they have stopped it in its tracks. Yet leaks out of China suggest it's much worse there than anywhere else which the American Left adamantly denies.
We need to sent some Congressional members over there on a fact finding mission.
They shouldn't come back until every rock has been overturned.


Strength through joy

Reports indicate that the LAPD will be engaging in a “broad reorganization aimed at preserving patrol and community engagement functions.” One aspect in this reorganizing is that officers will no longer be responding to minor traffic collisions.
In the event that someone is the victim of a misdemeanor hit-and-run, victims will be encouraged to instead file a police report online.
Also, station desks will no longer be staffed on the weekends and the Metropolitan Division, air support, robbery, homicide, gang and narcotics units are going to have some sort of cuts.
The LAPD are also expected to cut 350 sworn officers from the force by April of 2022, which those positions cut aren’t going to stem from people being fired outright.
Instead, the LAPD will simply close out a position once someone leaves the force or retires – essentially just not rehiring for the void left when someone leaves the LAPD.


Strength through joy

Minneapolis, Which Voted to Abolish Police, Seeks Cops from Other Cities as Crime Surges​

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said the department is struggling as violent crime in the city has increased 20 percent compared to last year and around 40 percent from two years ago


Inordinately Right

Minneapolis, Which Voted to Abolish Police, Seeks Cops from Other Cities as Crime Surges​

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said the department is struggling as violent crime in the city has increased 20 percent compared to last year and around 40 percent from two years ago
friend* em.


Well-Known Member

Minneapolis, Which Voted to Abolish Police, Seeks Cops from Other Cities as Crime Surges​

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said the department is struggling as violent crime in the city has increased 20 percent compared to last year and around 40 percent from two years ago
But I thought the social workers would discuss alternative methods of coping with the criminals and everything would be ok? What's the world coming to when you can't count on criminals to behave rationally?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

Minneapolis, Which Voted to Abolish Police, Seeks Cops from Other Cities as Crime Surges​

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said the department is struggling as violent crime in the city has increased 20 percent compared to last year and around 40 percent from two years ago
friend* em.
Agree totally ... this is what they deserve by electing left-wing DimWits!

El Correcto

god is dead
Agree totally ... this is what they deserve by electing left-wing DimWits!

To me this will always be the face of liberals.
A stupid white woman journalist walking into the middle of Egyptian rape mob. Minneapolis has decided to follow into that rape mob.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Minneapolis, Which Voted to Abolish Police, Seeks Cops from Other Cities as Crime Surges​

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said the department is struggling as violent crime in the city has increased 20 percent compared to last year and around 40 percent from two years ago
Hahahahaha! They actually think cops will go there after what was done to Minneapolis cops?