The Lets Get Rid Of Our Cops Movement


Inordinately Right
View attachment 317181
To me this will always be the face of liberals.
A stupid white woman journalist walking into the middle of Egyptian rape mob. Minneapolis has decided to follow into that rape mob.
Yup, sounds about right.


Strength through joy
But I thought the social workers would discuss alternative methods of coping with the criminals and everything would be ok? What's the world coming to when you can't count on criminals to behave rationally?
How many social workers will die before sanity returns ?

El Correcto

god is dead
How many female reporters had been attacked and raped before that? She was saved by a bunch of Egyptian women by the way.
“Before the incident, Logan said she had not been aware of the degree of harassment experienced by women in Egypt and elsewhere.”

This what gives me a sense of catharsis from the whole thing. It’s the blind left wing indoctrination, where their lack of knowledge of the reality of the situation puts them in a bad place.
They are going along in their fantasy land, then end up being nearly raped to death by reality. Some times literally in the case of left wing women dealing with middle eastern men.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I just read today that the city of Minneaplois is BEGGING people to to join their police force. I can't understand why? friend Minneapolis
I thought they were going to hire social workers to take over? Any problems and trained counselors we going to rush in utilizing the latest in talk therapy to stop any crime?


Well-Known Member
“Before the incident, Logan said she had not been aware of the degree of harassment experienced by women in Egypt and elsewhere.”

This what gives me a sense of catharsis from the whole thing. It’s the blind left wing indoctrination, where their lack of knowledge of the reality of the situation puts them in a bad place.
They are going along in their fantasy land, then end up being nearly raped to death by reality. Some times literally in the case of left wing women dealing with middle eastern men.
Except she's not a Left winger. She was there with a crew. Probably felt safe until it happened.


Strength through joy
Breaking News out of Boston.
More Massachusetts Police Troopers have been indicted by a Grand Jury for Tax Fraud and Money Laundering.
Three unnamed Troopers have flipped on their LT. and Sgt. and provided evidence against them.
It was a tight race but the Lt. and Sgt. were able to file for their pensions first.
The Lt. ( a neighbor of former governor Mitt Romney ) also sent his kid the expensive private school nearby.
The Lt. , who was making a ton of money that was never reported to the IRS, did not like that his kid did not receive more student aid and started an email campaign against the school. The outcome was that $4,000 was knocked off his tuition bill. { $52,000 for 2020-21 }

read about it here....


Inordinately Right

"Do you have a female officer present while you're patting her down?" the journalist asked.

"No, we don't," an officer replied.

Then at that moment, a different officer chimed in with a comeback for the ages amid the rioting: "How do you know that I don't identify as a female?"

Laughter quickly ensued among his colleagues, all of whom were shrouded in darkness.

That didn't sit too well with a male near the action. "friend*in' smart ass," he said.

"We hate you!" another guy yelled at cops as they walked the woman into the back of the police van.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
OOPS! Who would have thunk it? Less cops and folk are behaving badly? Dramatic rise in shootings! Better hire more counselors.
