The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!


Well-Known Member
Now the Left just has to find a way to connect the creators of the site to the RNC, Santorum, Romney, Gingrich, or Paul and sit back and watch as they try not to offend while reiterating that it's not "the kind of language I would have used".

That would be ridiculous as well, don't you think?

I'm not sure what you are asking. I think you are asking if I think it is ridiculous that you hope someone finds a way to blame a republican candidate. The truth is that I have come to expect the ridiculous from the extreme left so my short answer is no.


Staff member
I don't care one way or the other. I'm just making fun of candidate's nonanswers on anything they are uncomfortable disagreeing publicly with Rush.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Of course it works for you, otherwise you would run out of crap to spew.

The woman has an unfavorable rating of 89%, why do you even bother to attempt to defend her? Her own party dislikes her but 11% are still hanging on because she is cute. How do you manage to stay in that 11%?




Staff member
When was the last time you heard zer0bama disagreeing with Bill Maher?
Couldn't tell you. I don't care much for Maher. He comes off as too angry. I like Stewart and Colbert. They regularly disagree with Obama on national security issues.


golden ticket member
The woman has an unfavorable rating of 89%, why do you even bother to attempt to defend her? Her own party dislikes her but 11% are still hanging on because she is cute. How do you manage to stay in that 11%?


What woman ? Is there a woman in the GOP line up? Why wasn't I told? Are we now rating private citizens? What's my rating?


Well-Known Member
I don't care one way or the other. I'm just making fun of candidate's nonanswers on anything they are uncomfortable disagreeing publicly with Rush.
Why do they need to disagree with Rush?-- Rush apologized in case you missed it. The whole premise was,-- why should we as taxpayers foot the bill for contraceptives. I think anyone with common sense would agree that we shouldn't. Calling her a slut is a side issue that the wild, wild left gets their panties in a bunch about, so much so that if this is all they've got, OH WELL!!--. Focus on the issues and quit making issues to suit your extreme nonsense.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Trying to compare Maher to Rush is simply ridiculous. MAHER is a pure comedian.. COMICS all over the country call PALIN horrible things, she is the butt of every right wing joke made in this country by todays comics.

NONE of them have any influence on the democratic party or call themselves leaders with "talent on loan from GOD"...

That is the claim from a self righteous wingbag posing as the leader of conservative studies. If thats what he's teaching his students, then he has morons for a classroom!




golden ticket member
Rush is a radio jock and no different than the opinionated Howard Stern.................Bababooey and a female sidekick is the only difference. Rush is solo. He is not the head of any party or the official rep. That's like saying Michael Moore is the official rep. of the DNC.


Well-Known Member
TOS is just stating a obvious fact. Unlike Rush, who is the true leader of the Republican Party, Maher has no such influence. He isn't a deal-breaker like Limbaugh is for the politicians of his party.

Let me guess you get called a hypocrite quite a bit also?
I think it is hilarious if any if you actually think Rush Limbaugh has any influence on the GOP as a party or any if the candidates individually. As far as I know RL has had none of the candidates on his radio show (at least if he has I have not heard about it) or haven't heard that he supports any individual candidate. IMO, anyone that takes RL for more than an opinionated radio show host is out of touche with reality. Even the most ardent supporters of Rush that I know say he is merely a showman with a following. I equate Rush on the same lines as I do Maher. Neither one is going to form my opinions. For one thing, I'm not likely to know what either one of them think or say unless it is posted on here.
My thoughts on Sarah Palin are, she's a good looking woman that seems to think along the same lines as I do. End of story and end of fascination.

You guys are just wasting key strokes two thirds of the time. Keep up the good humor.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I think it is hilarious if any if you actually think Rush Limbaugh has any influence on the GOP as a party or any if the candidates individually. As far as I know RL has had none of the candidates on his radio show (at least if he has I have not heard about it) or haven't heard that he supports any individual candidate. IMO, anyone that takes RL for more than an opinionated radio show host is out of touche with reality. Even the most ardent supporters of Rush that I know say he is merely a showman with a following. I equate Rush on the same lines as I do Maher. Neither one is going to form my opinions. For one thing, I'm not likely to know what either one of them think or say unless it is posted on here.
My thoughts on Sarah Palin are, she's a good looking woman that seems to think along the same lines as I do. End of story and end of fascination.

You guys are just wasting key strokes two thirds of the time. Keep up the good humor.

Then you agree with Arnold Schwarzenegger when he says RUSH is "INSIGNIFICANT" to GOP politics?




Staff member
Why should she? Why should she let that question take the focus off Limbaugh who has sunned himself in it for 30 years? Besides, conservatives insist she is nothing but a shill anyway, why even ask her such a question?

That would be like this: You and I are walking down the street, someone yells out a car at me, "N(word)". You turn to me and say, "What do you think of Tea Partiers being called bigots and racists?" Somehow the jerk in the car gets off the hook. Why would I go with that?