The myth of black on black crime


golden ticket member
​Statistics do not apply to an individual.
They are predictive in nature and the larger the sample/application group the better.
Are you telling me I don't belong ??!! I'm unique. I'm my own person. I'm not comparable to anyone else. Just me and Sue exciting !!


Strength through joy
Data compiled by the Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission (MHRC) shows that for the year 2012, 93 percent of the known murder suspects had criminal backgrounds. And it reveals most of the murder suspects were black, and the victims the same.
The MHRC, established in January of 2005, is a central component of the city’s violence prevention efforts. The MHRC draws on public health and criminal justice approaches and was designed to gain a better understanding of homicide through strategic problem analysis, innovative and effective response and prevention strategies, and focus on prevention and intervention resources .
In the city of 597,867 people, there were 91 murders in 2012, with 80 percent of the victims being black and 75 percent of the known suspects also being black.
Six percent of the homicide victims were white, with five percent of known suspects being white.
Twelve percent of the victims were Hispanic and 19 percent of the known suspects also Hispanic.
The city of Milwaukee itself is 40 percent black, 17 percent Latino, and 37 percent white.
Of known 2011 homicide suspects in Milwaukee, 93 percent are black, while 4 percent are white and Latino.
In homicides where the weapon utilized for murder was known, a handgun was used 100 percent of the time. Contrary to the myth of gang disputes being the cause behind high homicide rates, only one percent of 2012 homicides were gang related.



Well-Known Member
There may vey well be a reason that th Santiago case isn't garnering the headlines you want: It was discovered that the hands of both Sherry West and the baby’s father, Luis Santiago tested positive for gunshot powder residue. Luis Santiago told police he was shopping at Walmart when the child was killed, however later evidence indicates that Santiago was not at Walmart at the time of little Antonio’s death.looks like she may not be truthful. I know I know : it's MUCH more fun to blame 'those peole'
Read more: Baby Santiago Killing; Mother Gives Conflicting Stories, Father's Alibi Doesn't Check Out -


Update on two thugs arrested ??

​What say you ?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Data compiled by the Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission (MHRC) shows that for the year 2012, 93 percent of the known murder suspects had criminal backgrounds. And it reveals most of the murder suspects were black, and the victims the same.
The MHRC, established in January of 2005, is a central component of the city’s violence prevention efforts. The MHRC draws on public health and criminal justice approaches and was designed to gain a better understanding of homicide through strategic problem analysis, innovative and effective response and prevention strategies, and focus on prevention and intervention resources .
In the city of 597,867 people, there were 91 murders in 2012, with 80 percent of the victims being black and 75 percent of the known suspects also being black.
Six percent of the homicide victims were white, with five percent of known suspects being white.
Twelve percent of the victims were Hispanic and 19 percent of the known suspects also Hispanic.
The city of Milwaukee itself is 40 percent black, 17 percent Latino, and 37 percent white.
Of known 2011 homicide suspects in Milwaukee, 93 percent are black, while 4 percent are white and Latino.
In homicides where the weapon utilized for murder was known, a handgun was used 100 percent of the time. Contrary to the myth of gang disputes being the cause behind high homicide rates, only one percent of 2012 homicides were gang related.

Nice to know. I will be going through it, and Chicago tomorrow. I have always thought both places looked kinda nice, until i got lost which I always do. I like to get off the beaten path. After the last two trekks, I will stay on said path. I just want to get where I am going. The only other place I had the problem of being lost and not liking it was St louis. Guess Im just not a city girl.


Strength through joy

[h=1]Jerome Hudson[/h]
[h=1]Black Leaders Still Silent on Black-on-Black Crime[/h]
[h=2]After the outcry following the not guilty verdict of George Zimmerman, most of the loudest voices among the so-called leaders of the black community remain silent on the subject of black-on-black crime. I tackle this issue today in the Atlanta Journal Constitution.[/h] Among other things, I make the case that as long as black people shy away from pursuing meaningful discussions about the crime rampant in our own communities and if black families remain fractured, and if spiritual and civic leaders don't lead, the killing culture will continue to thrive:
According to FBI data, 4,906 blacks killed other blacks in 2010 and 2011. To put that number in context, that is more than the total number of U.S. military deaths in Iraq over the last decade.

To put it another way, more black Americans killed other blacks in two years than were lynched from 1882-1968, according to the Tuskegee Institute.

We do ourselves a disservice as a nation when we focus on the sensational headline to the exclusion of the statistical low-hanging fruit.
Despite the preponderance of television cameras, we blacks often avoid turning the spotlight on ourselves. Meanwhile, a parade of caskets are being filled with the bodies of America's future. The culture of death in America’s inner cities thrives, while any hope of progress is buried beneath cyber screeds and seven minute Television segments.
You can read my full article here.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
We have been incarcerating a disproportionate percentage of Black males for 40 years. Is it any wonder there is a problem in the Black community?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Don't do the crime and you won't have to do the time. Simple!
Blacks and Latinos are jailed for non violent crimes at a much higher rate than Whites.

Drug Sentencing Disparities

  • About 14 million Whites and 2.6 million African Americans report using an illicit drug
  • 5 times as many Whites are using drugs as African Americans, yet African Americans are sent to prison for drug offenses at 10 times the rate of Whites
  • African Americans represent 12% of the total population of drug users, but 38% of those arrested for drug offenses, and 59% of those in state prison for a drug offense.
  • African Americans serve virtually as much time in prison for a drug offense (58.7 months) as whites do for a violent offense (61.7 months). (Sentencing Project)


golden ticket member
"Blacks and Latinos are jailed for non violent crimes at a much higher rate than Whites."

Did you read that statement ? It's still CRIME. I don't care if it's violent or non violent, there are consequences to you committing a crime no matter your there should be !


Inordinately Right
"Blacks and Latinos are jailed for non violent crimes at a much higher rate than Whites."

Did you read that statement ? It's still CRIME. I don't care if it's violent or non violent, there are consequences to you committing a crime no matter your there should be !

The non-violent crimes are almost always drug offenses. The disparity between black and white usually boils down to the quality of the drugs they can afford. For example:

A poor person buys an ounce of cannabis for 60 bucks. It is last year's schwag, ditch, mexican brick, trash weed.
A rich person buys an 1/2 ounce of cannabis for 240 bucks. It is high grade, indoor grown, hydroponic, dank weed.

Because the poor person had an ounce, he is sent to prison, and later cannot get a job.
Because the rich person only had an 1/2 ounce, he is given a citation, and later has an attorney get it removed from his record altogether.

The rich person is putting more money into the illegal drug trade, getting higher, for a longer period of time, but has fewer consequences for his actions.

Both are criminals, but there is a huge disparity in regards to the consequences for their crimes.
Crack vs. powder cocaine is an even worse disparity, do your own research.
It is not as simple as just saying, do the crime pay the time, because the crimes are the same, but the times are different.

Drug laws are inherently flawed. Poor people, who are often disproportionately black, are the ones who are hurt the most by the prohibitions.
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Inordinately Right
How about nobody does drugs or has drugs on them then nobody goes to jail ???!!! Problem solved.

How bout we all hold hands across America and pray to Jebus to end war and hunger? Drugs are not ever going away, deal with it. Do I really need to explain to you the failures of alcohol prohibition?


Well-Known Member
The non-violent crimes are almost always drug offenses. The disparity between black and white usually boils down to the quality of the drugs they can afford. For example:

A poor person buys an ounce of cannabis for 60 bucks. It is last year's schwag, ditch, mexican brick, trash weed.
A rich person buys an 1/2 ounce of cannabis for 240 bucks. It is high grade, indoor grown, hydroponic, dank weed.

Because the poor person had an ounce, he is sent to prison, and later cannot get a job.
Because the rich person only had an 1/2 ounce, he is given a citation, and later has an attorney get it removed from his record altogether.

The rich person is putting more money into the illegal drug trade, getting higher, for a longer period of time, but has fewer consequences for his actions.

Both are criminals, but there is a huge disparity in regards to the consequences for their crimes.
Crack vs. powder cocaine is an even worse disparity, do your own research.
It is not as simple as just saying, do the crime pay the time, because the crimes are the same, but the times are different.

Drug laws are inherently flawed. Poor people, who are often disproportionately black, are the ones who are hurt the most by the prohibitions.
You sure seem to have great knowledge of cannabis.


golden ticket member
How bout we all hold hands across America and pray to Jebus to end war and hunger? Drugs are not ever going away, deal with it. Do I really need to explain to you the failures of alcohol prohibition?
Never smoked pot.(young Adult in the 60's)
Never done illegal drugs.
And maybe I have a drink every few years and only if in Hawaii and it's a chi-chi.
Just say "no" really works.

Drugs may never go away, but saying "no" is the way to deal with it. I'm proof that it does work.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
"Just say no" does not work. The War On Drugs does not work. We have spent over $1 trillion on TWOD with absolutely no effect.

The experiences of one privileged white woman are hardly typical.


golden ticket member
"Just say no" does not work."...

I'm proof that it don't accept undisputable proof ?????
When ex-users decide to say "no more" works for them too (usually thru AA)

The experience of a blue collar upbringing........ Rubber workers in Akron Ohio weren't considered 'The Privileged' and therefore, I wasn't a privileged child, just a well cared for adopted white child in an Italian neighborhood.
