The myth of black on black crime


Strength through joy
Great idea let's stop the whole program and apply those funds to paying down the national debt .
Oh, but bhos would only use it all for more vacations .
Fore !!!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
"Just say no" does not work."...

I'm proof that it don't accept undisputable proof ?????
When ex-users decide to say "no more" works for them too (usually thru AA)

The experience of a blue collar upbringing........ Rubber workers in Akron Ohio weren't considered 'The Privileged' and therefore, I wasn't a privileged child, just a well cared for adopted white child in an Italian neighborhood.

Congratulations on having loving, hard working, adoptive parents. We have spent $1trillion on 'just say no' and yet we still have endemic drug problems. Two generations of males of color have been imprisoned for 'crimes' that white people would have never even been arrested for. Those men can now never get a decent job and provide for their families, even if they never touch another illegal substance. When a person has been deprived of the ability to legally make a living wage, what do you think they do? They have a tendancy to make it illegally. When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose. Eventually they will take your stuff.

This reminds me of you:



golden ticket member
Yeah, we hear it everyday......the jails are full of innocent people.
I don't happen to believe that.....apparently you do, so we will never agree.


Inordinately Right
Yeah, we hear it everyday......the jails are full of innocent people.
I don't happen to believe that.....apparently you do, so we will never agree.
No one said innocent but you.
Why are we putting people in prison for being addicted to drugs?

Sure we should put them in jail for theft, or driving under the influence, but warehousing addicts in prison hurts society as a whole. It costs way too much.... not just monetarily.

These addicts should have options for rehabilitation.
Or do you really like paying for an addict's food and water and shelter and clothing, and on and on? Whether you realize it or not, there are a lot of drugs inside prisons.


Inordinately Right
They are not in jail for being an addict. They are in jail for committing crimes and some of the criminals are addicts.

You do know that possessing drugs is a crime and often is the only reason they are in jail?
The same drugs that they are addicted to.

All I'm saying is that we wait for alcoholics to drink and drive before we put them in jail.
Should we put them in jail for just having alcohol on them?


Well-Known Member
They are not in jail for being an addict. They are in jail for committing crimes and some of the criminals are addicts.

If the "crime" was only the ingestion of a substance to alter the mind of the user, who is the victim or what property has been damaged?


Well-Known Member
And I would ask you, am I forced to pay his/her housing costs under the illusion of making you/society safe?

I don't make any claims about the safety or dangers of living in society. I've been fairly open before that I assume there would be certain acceptable risks to me for living in a free society.
However, since we do not live in a free society if a group of people want me to pay for health care for everyone why should I not have a say in things that can actually affect their health?


Well-Known Member
I don't make any claims about the safety or dangers of living in society. I've been fairly open before that I assume there would be certain acceptable risks to me for living in a free society.
However, since we do not live in a free society if a group of people want me to pay for health care for everyone why should I not have a say in things that can actually affect their health?

Maybe they can use the same rational and have a say about your income. 2 wrongs always make a right!


Well-Known Member
Maybe they can use the same rational and have a say about your income. 2 wrongs always make a right!

Oh I could list more than two ways that I am being wronged by the extremely punitive tax rate used in part to support this welfare state.


Nine Lives
I don't make any claims about the safety or dangers of living in society. I've been fairly open before that I assume there would be certain acceptable risks to me for living in a free society.
However, since we do not live in a free society if a group of people want me to pay for health care for everyone why should I not have a say in things that can actually affect their health?

​That sounds like government logic.


All Trash No Trailer

Update on two thugs arrested ??

What say you ?

The Half sister of the baby who was shot testified her Mum's story about the Black Teens attacking her dosent add up
Ashley Glassey, half-sister of slain toddler Antonio Santiago, testifies in De'Marquise Elkins trial | firstcoastnews.comShe has stated here she feels her Mum killed the baby for Insurance Money and blamed the Black Teenagers
Daughter believes mom killed her own baby for insurance money, then blamed Black teenagers | The Westside Gazette