Perhaps because anyone having nuclear weapons is a bad idea, but it's much harder to remove them than to prevent them from being created? How many other countries are within the realm of possibility of creating them right now? If you can name another country that has the means to create nuclear weapons and has shown they are likely to create them I'll condemn the actions of that country as well. It's bad enough we, and other countries have them, but it's a stalemate really so I can "live" with it, but adding new countries to the mix is unacceptable to me.
What you fail to understand is that IRAN already has a nuclear infrastructure that cannot be destroyed without destroying innocent people by creating nuclear fallout that would spread across several countries.
We cant just "blow up" nuclear plants and expect that the exposed cores of those nuclear plants wouldnt release lethal doses of radiation.
Chernobyl blew up decades ago and is still releasing lethal doses of radiation into the atmosphere. Thousands of miles of earth are unlivable because of contamination.
But, right wing people think that we can just fly over there and drop bombs and missiles and "Stop" Irans nuclear program.
Unfortunately, that isnt true.
Whatever damage we could cause, would only be rebuilt in less than 5 years with Russias help.
You may think we can stop it from happening, but we cant unless we are prepared to attack Iran, invade the country, place soldiers on the ground, overthrow the entire governmental system, kill all the mulahs, and force a religious change upon the people.
Wishful thinking about stopping it comes with a huge pricetag. You need to be ready to lose another 15 to 20 thousand troops by invading Iran.
Negotiating with Iran is our best hope for peace.
The likelyhood of Iran using a nuclear weapon on Israel is ridiculous at best, despite any rhetoric they may say in public rallies.
Iran knows the weight of the world would be upon them the moment they launched any weapon.
Pakistan, India and north korea are spreading nuclear technology all over the world. With the help of the russians and some americans, nuclear technology has reached countries that shouldnt have them.
Israel shouldnt have them either.
You really have no choice but to live with the idea that Iran may develope a nuclear bomb sometime in your lifetime.