Dennis! Biggest UPS scab the teamsters have ever seen!
TonyQ that video you posted.........lets analyze it shall we?
First, a 16 year package driver with tats on the forearms? I call BULL

! No driver would get visible tats WHILE they were drivers, therefore this limp noodle would have gotten them before he started and before they were, "the cool thing to do." I call BULL

Second, We hear
YET AGAIN, health care will cost us nothing. I believe the saying was, "not $500, not $50, not even $5" This

was tired the last contract. It was a lie then and is a lie now! Also this company suck-up claims that healthcare was a top priority? I didn't see or hear one employee raise it as an issue! But hey $1 is about the only positive they can say about the contract!!!
Third, whats this crap about $5 more going into the pension fund? I listened in on Dennis' magical mystery tour....err mean phone call and he said $1 (SPLIT 'TWEEN HEALTHCARE AND PENSION) not $5! But hey, gotta pull numbers out of his arse to make this

hole of a contract sound good huh?