The raise in 2002 was bigger than in 2019



I cant read everything pal. Every time I open this thing up, it's to like 65 alerts. I try to go through them, but its a lot. I do have another job you know.

So you haven’t read the tentative agreement. That’s explains everything. #nextquestion


I agree with your first statement. Your second one I disagree. I think people here are very unrealistic as to how things work and what it takes to compete.

That’s a one sided statement and a statement that has zero credibility. Being unrealistic would be members wanted more and more with UPS not competing anymore. Unfortunately for you, the numbers prove they are competing, and are the best at it.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
That’s a one sided statement and a statement that has zero credibility. Being unrealistic would be members wanted more and more with UPS not competing anymore. Unfortunately for you, the numbers prove they are competing, and are the best at it.
You are upset that you cant live in 36 dollars an hour. This is the root of your problems.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
Then explain it to us like we are 10 years old. We see everyone getting better EXCEPT US! Upper management, the board, shareholders (of which management are by far the largest voting group and benefit mightily)

Not one person had stated or even eluded to wanting the company to fail and hiding behind "unrealistic" and "compete" is a cope out! From the cheap seats all we see is, "eat your :censored2: sandwich we fed you and you are ungrateful for not liking it."
Management who are in a defined pension are getting theirs stopped at the end of the calander year of 2021. Did you miss this? Management hired after 2007 no longer get a pension. The MIP has drastically dropped and lets talk about their healthcare. They have a 5,00 dollar deductible. They also have to pay for their health insurance. On top of this, if you smoke you pay 150 extra a month and also for your spouse. If your spouse works she can not be on your medical if you are in management. Also, they can not get drivers to go into management anymore because of the huge gap in compensation. You have to be living under a rock if you don't know these facts I am explaining to you. They are also buying out certain non operations management right now in order to cut them even more.


If it’s brown, it’s going down
You are upset that you cant live in 36 dollars an hour. This is the root of your problems.
You keep bringing up 36hr which is one issue when it comes to this contract, here I will clean up the kitchen and crap on the bed would you hire me as a cleaning company. No you would not because doing one thing right does not make up for 10 other friend ups that you seem to believe is alright.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
You keep bringing up 36hr which is one issue when it comes to this contract, here I will clean up the kitchen and crap on the bed would you hire me as a cleaning company. No you would not because doing one thing right does not make up for 10 other friend ups that you seem to believe is alright.
You lost me at pooping the bed. I am an adult who is rather close to this scenario happening closer down the the road. I would rather not come here to talk about childish potty humor.

Time for change

Well-Known Member
I have two jobs and a single mother, I can’t pass a DOT physical and my primary job is taking care of my girls. I was raised in the ghetto and have done well for myself as a single mother making 70k a year. I guarantee you my IQ is higher than Denis T. I had a 32 ACT and had academic scholarships. Chose to be a stay at home mother until my husband died and then entered the workforce. I don’t rely on the union for everything in life like big union guy.


Well-Known Member
Management who are in a defined pension are getting theirs stopped at the end of the calander year of 2021. Did you miss this? Management hired after 2007 no longer get a pension. The MIP has drastically dropped and lets talk about their healthcare. They have a 5,00 dollar deductible. They also have to pay for their health insurance. On top of this, if you smoke you pay 150 extra a month and also for your spouse. If your spouse works she can not be on your medical if you are in management. Also, they can not get drivers to go into management anymore because of the huge gap in compensation. You have to be living under a rock if you don't know these facts I am explaining to you. They are also buying out certain non operations management right now in order to cut them even more.
You make it sound like management will get nothing after 2021


If it’s brown, it’s going down
You lost me at pooping the bed. I am an adult who is rather close to this scenario happening closer down the the road. I would rather not come here to talk about childish potty humor.
I'm sorry I offended you I'm sure you boys at teamsters hall never swear or use crude humor I should just go tell my mommy what I have done wrong. Please you are dodging the question again never answer any real questions just dance around it or dangle one piece of the contract that was probably given to you by UPS and are claiming it's a big win for the negotiating team. Let me know when are union representatives grow some balls then i will be happy to respect their so called best contract ever.


Inordinately Right
I can go back to 1997....
Does anyone know what the pt yearly raises have been over the last 30 years? Or even better since ‘82?
1997-2001: $3.10(+$1 catch-up)
2002-2007: $5.00(+$1 catch-up)
2008-2012: $4.00
2013-2017: $3.90
2018-2022: $4.15 (proposed)

1989- that’d be great to see, and even more importantly starting rates since 1982.
1997: $8.50/$9.50
2002: $8.50/$9.50(+$0.50@90days)
2008: $8.50/$9.50(+$1.00@90days)
2013: 10.00/$11.00
2018: $13.00
2019: $14.00
2020: $14.50
2021: $15.00
2022: $15.50
Last edited:

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry I offended you I'm sure you boys at teamsters hall never swear or use crude humor I should just go tell my mommy what I have done wrong. Please you are dodging the question again never answer any real questions just dance around it or dangle one piece of the contract that was probably given to you by UPS and are claiming it's a big win for the negotiating team. Let me know when are union representatives grow some balls then i will be happy to respect their so called best contract ever.
I answered your question several times, you just don't like the answer, or you cant comprehend it. I cant tell what the latter is.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
You make it sound like management will get nothing after 2021
Well in order for us to keep getting upgrades to our healthcare, pension, and wages someone has to sacrifice. It will be management, but they will have a chip on their shoulder.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
I'm sorry that the 36 dollars an hour has not kept up with inflation for you and your loved ones. This can have a dramatic effect on your family like. I am again so sorry that the 40 dollars an hour you will be making at the end of this contract isn't enough either. I have failed you. Shame shame on me.
Wow, when put to a legitimate questions you deflect or outright refuse to answer. Even when you state, "ask me a question and I will try to answer." We have lost all respect for you. You are an empty, soulless suit. This is the last time I explain it to your feeble mind! When raises do not equal inflation one actually loses money because we all still have to buy gas, put bread on the table and cloth our kids. But hey, you got yours so :censored2: all the rest of us right? We'll see who does the boning when its time to strike.

Each 50 cents costs 1,000,000 a year.
OMG, OMG, Oh my :censored2:ing god. A whole $2,000,000 a year for us to see an extra $1 an hour paid by a company that blew a $ Billion on ORION, $400 million on the failed TnT express buyout and had $65.87 billion of revenue in 2017. :censored2: OFF!!

It's the truth. I am so sorry he cant live on this inferior wage. I have failed.
You have failed at trying to sell this :censored2: sandwich. You have been called out multiple times by multiple people at this point you are no better than Chester and worse than Fitbit App. Take your crap elsewhere cause we are no longer buying it. You will be called out on every lie from here on!

You are upset that you cant live in 36 dollars an hour. This is the root of your problems.
Jesus dude, get some new material. Maybe go out and get laid and stop trying to screw us!


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
I answered your question several times, you just don't like the answer, or you cant comprehend it. I cant tell what the latter is.
No, no you didn't. Just because you said it doesn't make it the truth Trump.


If it’s brown, it’s going down
I answered your question several times, you just don't like the answer, or you cant comprehend it. I cant tell what the latter is.
My original question is minus the pension bump and maybe a lousy 4.15 dollar raise why is this the best contract ever? Why so many concessions and contract language that is weak makes this the best contract ever? Go ahead I spelled it out for you, no more dodging the issue Mr.Bigshot.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
Wow, when put to a legitimate questions you deflect or outright refuse to answer. Even when you state, "ask me a question and I will try to answer." We have lost all respect for you. You are an empty, soulless suit. This is the last time I explain it to your feeble mind! When raises do not equal inflation one actually loses money because we all still have to buy gas, put bread on the table and cloth our kids. But hey, you got yours so :censored2: all the rest of us right? We'll see who does the boning when its time to strike.
So you lost respect for an anonymous person and you are an anonymous person. I can live with this. Oh yeah, sorry you cant live on 36 an hour.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
OMG, OMG, Oh my :censored2:ing god. A whole $2,000,000 a year for us to see an extra $1 an hour paid by a company that blew a $ Billion on ORION, $400 million on the failed TnT express buyout and had $65.87 billion of revenue in 2017. :censored2: OFF!!
I'm sorry I forgot three zeros. It is actually 1,000,000,000. My bad.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
You have failed at trying to sell this :censored2: sandwich. You have been called out multiple times by multiple people at this point you are no better than Chester and worse than Fitbit App. Take your crap elsewhere cause we are no longer buying it. You will be called out on every lie from here on!
I don't have to sell it to you. You are a very unreasonable person. I gave up on you. I don't need you. You are beyond help. You are to smart to help.