The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Staff member
you guys have been looking the other way for the last 8 years while some of the most nefarious government activity has been going on.

yet suddenly you discover a word called ethics . what a joke
And treason and espionage and nepotism and constitutional crisis and lots of other words. Isn't "winning" fun?!


Staff member
Most of Obama's last minute Executive Orders are gone with the wind. And that is just the start of correcting his mistakes.
CEO's all around the country are jumping for joy, bathing in cash and claiming "uncertainty"...just like always just with more cash.


Well-Known Member
Nothing you posted is relevant. How does any of that make collusion with a foreign government and subsequent cover up by Trump and his associates ok?
Well, Apple's to Apple's, Obama himself was caught on an open microphone telling Putin to be patient. Ask Ukraine what that meant. You say nothing's relevant. Here's the difference, Obama had MSM covering for him on everything, while Trump has them taking anything that could possibly be construed a certain way and blowing it up in the worst way possible with little regard to evidence or concern for our country's well being. A feeding frenzy of sharks. If they truly cared about truth they would have gone after Obama and Hillary with as much vigor. Hypocrites.


Staff member


Well-Known Member
Oh no. Collusion would be minor. I don't think that matters anyway. But everything underneath the "collusion" investigation is far more a mess. The pieces fit together all too neatly and it's not going to end well for the Trump klan.
What pieces? Anything that "fits" together was molded and shaped by MSM. Of course it looks bad, they're leading you to that conclusion.


Well-Known Member
So that's a yes, you blew it, and now you're upset the liberals are doing a better job at holding trump accountable than you did with Obama and Hillary.
That's an extraordinarily weak argument. I'm not covering for Trump, I'm asking to see legitimate proof. You guys on the other hand covered for Obama and Hillary on so many issues, with the MSM COLLUDING with the Democrats to protect them. But yes, there are those on the Right who'll benefit from Trump's downfall, no doubt. If we want to talk hypocrites though, most Trump voters truly want to see the country on a better course, fiscally solvent, safe and secure. Most anti-Trump folks want to keep the spigots flowing, no matter the costs. They have a vested interest in seeing Uncle Sugar remain generous. And they'll say and do just about anything to make that happen, and Democrat politicians especially suck at the pork monster's teats. Hypocrites.


Inordinately Right
You guys on the other hand covered for Obama and Hillary on so many issues.
You don't know who you're talking to and it makes you look stupid.
MSM COLLUDING with the Democrats to protect them.
Right, it's all a conspiracy. Lulz.
If we want to talk hypocrites though, most Trump voters truly want to see the country on a better course, fiscally solvent, safe and secure.
Ok, it's a shame they got tricked into voting for the wrong guy then.
Now you're getting it.