The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Nine Lives
If he got to report on and how he wanted he would be forced to find employment elsewhere.
I wouldn't know, I like Lester Holt as an anchor, and I like his voice and diction ... comparable to a Brian Williams in smoothness without the baggage.
I just realized who he reminds me of and I could never figure it out over the years ... Tim Russert.
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golden ticket member
I wouldn't know, I like him as an anchor, and I like his voice and diction ... comparable to a Brian Williams in smoothness without the baggage.
I just realized who he reminds me of and I could never figure it out over the years ... Tim Russert.
who are we talking about?


Nine Lives
Aberration? That's a good one.
I was thinking 'Political' as Trump didn't surround himself closely with political people except Breitbart guy which resonates with Trump's political base. Kushner is a good manager but I'm afraid he will let his politics influence some of his 'decisions'/advice.


nowhere special
Can't stand him!! He clicks the same button in me that Joy Behar does!! So it's not a black thing..... It's an idiot thing.

Behar is always screeching in her fingernails on chalkboard voice. Holt I can at least listen to even if I don't agree with him. Not so for her.