It’s all BS. They are cutting routes like mad men, but if we vote this in they will add more? It doesn’t make any sense at all.
I'm guessing they're cutting routes now and forcing extra OT so that everyone will jump at the thought of these hybrids coming in and reducing their OT. "Don't like all this OT? Then vote yes on the contract!" I smell a rat!
And the 25% number should scare everyone. Most drivers don't want 60 hour weeks, be we do want SOME OT. The only way they get that many 22.4 employees 4 hours of delivery time per day is to cut FT routes or drastically cut OT. Like
@brownslave said earlier, I'd rather start with a lower percentage on the first contract and then see how it goes. And maybe have some wording that 22.4 drivers can't take work off of drivers that don't sign the 9.5 list? They obviously want the OT and would be taking a huge pay cut if theirs was cut down to a few hours a week.
I waited to see the details...but now I'm not so sure I can support it. It would help to see ALL of the proposal so we have time to think this through!