We are all witnessing desperation. Upper management (20 and up) are under instructions to cut human costs in any way possible. This means demotion, forced or suggested retirement you name it, every tatic is in play. The partnership and any lingering paternalistic cultural elements are gone forever. The trust is a memory. They do not care what you think or know or have done. Either you follow mindlessly or you are a malcontent. Intergity.. ha ha. hypocrits one and all. Survival is the name of the game now. The Brown machine is collapsing under their own weight and numerous leagacy based burdens.
Not desperation, necessity. There is a difference.
Plenty of people were recently given a perfectly reasonable offer to walk away.
Next step is demotions, transfer to operations, retirement, or termination/layoff.
Somebody should have thought of that possibility instead of viewing themselves as a semi-permanent “adoptee.”
If you think there has been a “partnership” for the last (10 anyway, but I’m thinking more like 14) years, you haven’t been paying attention.
You don’t need to “think” or “know” anything or “follow mindlessly” – you simply have to be NEEDED. If not, you’re out. Well, eventually – and sooner rather than later, IMO.
“Brown machine” isn’t collapsing under their own weight at all – they’re collapsing due to poor decisions made by (pre-Eskew) executive management and legacy-based burdens – absolutely.
Shedding those “legacy based” burdens is an issue that is attracting more interest by the hour. It’s a decade too late, but I can assure you that it is an option that is being considered TODAY.
But take that for what it’s worth on a Teamster crybaby board – nothing.