Well-Known Member
But that doesn't....apply in your case? Lol. (The moot point part).He's retired....
So it's a moot point.
But that doesn't....apply in your case? Lol. (The moot point part).He's retired....
So it's a moot point.
But that doesn't....apply in your case? Lol. (The moot point part).
A think you may telling an...."elected official " fib. You like to claim "people" on this forum know you. More than one on here claim you retired. Probably doing what the slobs in this neck of the woods do- draw full pension then draw as much pay from your local as the pension allows. Oh wait- nothing like this ever occurs. No sir. Never. Lol.I haven't retired.... yet.
You like to claim "people" on this forum know you. More than one on here claim you retired.
So- are you getting a pension check....occasionally? Lol.Yeah...
Who are "these" people ?
It has been revealed that Sean "the Boston Bully" O'Brien had been working on an endorsement from prior archenemy TDU since last year.
Over this past weekend, TDUs International Steering Committee (ISC) met in Detroit for their quarterly meeting to discuss matters pertaining to their organization. At the same time they met to discuss the 2021 election and whether or not to invite the Boston Bully to their yearly convention. According to multiple sources the ISC committed the mistake of their lives last weekend and voted to invite the Boston Bully to their Nov 1-3 TDU Convention.
Reliable sources say that on Friday Night (Nov 1st) TDU will host a meet-and-greet over cocktails with the Boston Bully and host a fundraiser for the OZ Slate.
On Saturday morning (Nov 2nd) the Boston Bully will speak to the members in attendance and make his pitch for endorsement. On that same Saturday evening after dinner, a motion will be made whether to endorse the Boston Bully and his slate where the TDU members in attendance will make the decision to approve or reject the motion.
Both the opportunist Boston Bully and TDUs ISC should be ashamed of themselves for attempting to form such an alliance. The Boston Bully is far from a reformer and TDU has gone into lala land for such an incomprehensible move. This alliance will go on to describe and define what modern hypocrisy equates to.
You’re clearly not a member of Local 25. If you were you would actually know who he is and what he is about. Who are you going to vote for? What have you done for your Local???Wake up people. He is fake. Don’t like Hoffa either. O’Brien is fake and two faced
You’re clearly not a member of Local 25. If you were you would actually know who he is and what he is about. Who are you going to vote for? What have you done for your Local???
Did you lose anything in your contract back in 2013? We did!
Like what ?
What Local ?
Be more specific.
What Local ?
Careful there- he has plaques that he is very proud of. You are probably going to get accused of not voting now. Good luck to you. Lol.Do you even work at UPS?