Re: The Western Conference and Local 177 H&W DISASTER!
Since some internet sites are saying the "TDU staff" is trying to take claim for my notes so I am
posting this here and letting you know TDU sucks. Talk to your local officials that you voted
for because they are the true source of information.
Healthcare, GWI and Pension Breakdown
These are personal notes from the Health Care workshop at Local 952 on
10/19/13. They are intended as a guide for Irvine Center until official
information is distributed to members. Please ask your Stewards or Business
Agents questions on any issue so you are confident in your knowledge on the
details of the package.
This was the first meeting anywhere regarding the "Carve-Out" for the 11
Western States and Local 177 which will cover 32,000 Teamster Members in the
plan. It will be a seamless transition since most coverage is the same. All
official information other than local/Parking lot meetings are planned to be
mailed out with a Health Care 1-800 phone number, website, and Health Care
conference calls. Detailed material is slated to be given out to members before
the vote so they can be fully educated before casting their ballot.
This is a huge win in getting the Healthcare package in the S.W.P.R. and
having a direct vote on issues. The creation of the plan and it being
controlled by our own trustees in the West puts our future in our own hands.
Andy M says 99% of health care is basically the same only 2 items less
than UPS plan and they are:
1) Prescriptions - $5 dollars for generics or brand name if no generic is
equivalent and Free for mail in generics or brand name if no generic is
(No change for Kaiser)
2) Annual deductible - 100/200 annual deductible only In last year of contract
(last 7 months in the 5th year) and ONLY for MAJOR MEDICAL.
They also added to a 5 year benefit to coverage:
If you die your family is covered at no cost for 5 years (instead of 6 months
followed by 30 months COBRA) This is a major upgrade.
-10 dollar co-pay
- Same Providers - Blue Cross/Kaiser for a seamless transition into Taft
- Vision, Dental and Life insurance all the same. No cap on Dental.
-No monthly Premiums
- Dependent coverage intact
- Surviving Spouse coverage till 65 or remarried. This is for death and spousal
coverage for retired members. Medicare will take over at 65 for spouse and post
supplemental insurance can be purchased for 50/100.
- Golden 80 still intact
- Post 65 supplemental insurance 50/100
- Retiree Medical is an 80/20 Plan same as company and will ladder up.
January 1, 2014 -$50 Single/$100 Family
January 1, 2015 - $100 Single/$200 Family
January 1, 2016 - $150 Single/ $300 Family till end of contract. (2018)
- Total Compensation by end of contract: $37.03 dollars ($55.55 overtime)
GWI - $3.90 (70,70, 70, 40/40 split, 50/50 split)
H/W and pension - $5.00 ($1.00 a year)
Total combined per year
2013- $1.70
2014- $1.70
2015 - $1.70
2016 - $1.80
2017 - $2.00
Total compensation: $8.90 an hour by end of Contract. (That .30 cents less than
last contract where GWI was $4.20 and H/W was $5.00 totaling $9.20 by end of
Pension increases: This is more than minimum wage going into your pension per hour and no better time to put money into to a start up health care plan.
2013 - .25 cents to $9.85 an hour (.75 cents to H/W) so $9.85 x 2080 = $20,488 a year pension contributions
2014 - 0 cents - same $9.85 (1.00 to H/W) so $9.85 x 2080 = $20,488 a year in pension contributions
2015 - 0 cents - same $9.85 (1.00 to H/W) so $9.85 x 2080 = $20,488 a year in pension contributions
2016 - .50 cents to - $10.35 (.50 to H/W) so $10.35 x 2080 = $21,528 a year in pension contributions
2017 - .50 cents to - $10. 85 (. 50 to H/W) so $10.85 x 2080 = $22,568 a year in pension contributions
For a total of $105,560 per full timer into the plan for the new proposal.
*Any pension contribution may be diverted to Health Care if needed as in any Taft Hartley This does NOT mean it will.
.05 cents from Legal Trust to H/C each year (over funded)
So a $3.90 cent raise to $37.03 ($55.55 0vertime)
Pension contributions in a secure and 90% funded plan to the tune of $105,560 per full timer (5 years of contract).
and a platinum 90/10 heath coverage that is 99% the same.
How is this a "Bad" contract? I mean maybe if you are rich you can say it is ok.... but to call it bad or a disaster? Really?