The Western Conference and Local 177 H&W DISASTER!


No more work for me!
All I remember was UPS hiring drivers out of the woodwork in the '80s, specifically the middle to late years of that decade. For you old timers, at the onset of NDA. It stands to reason that those drivers will now be retiring and putting a significant drain on the pension. I watched L177's pension fund drop so fast into the red it made my head spin. It will happen to others.


Re: The Western Conference and Local 177 H&W DISASTER!

- Retiree Medical is an 80/20 Plan same as company and will ladder up.

January 1, 2014 -$50 Single/$100 Family
January 1, 2015 - $100 Single/$200 Family
January 1, 2016 - $150 Single/ $300 Family till end of contract[/QUOTE]

How is this better for retirees? Our retirees fought for the benefits we have now, yet Andy is proposing a huge increase in the cost of medical insurance for those that are on a fixed income.


Well-Known Member
The Western Conference and Local 177 H&W DISASTER!

Do you really think $50 dollars a week is sustainable forever? If your no vote is so strong why don't you go be a hero and go for zero for retiree's? If you look back on the contract the Union hoodwinked UPS into that deal for years (like since the 90's). Once the retiree's hit a certain number it was up for negotiation. This is a big lesson that health care has gone up, know your contract and actives will always get more than retiree's.


Re: The Western Conference and Local 177 H&W DISASTER!

Do you really think $50 dollars a week is sustainable forever? If your no vote is so strong why don't you go be a hero and go for zero for retiree's? If you look back on the contract the Union hoodwinked UPS into that deal for years (like since the 90's). Once the retiree's hit a certain number it was up for negotiation. This is a big lesson that health care has gone up, know your contract and actives will always get more than retiree's.
It used to be zero for retirees, in fact it still is for some. When the plan changed to $50 per month existing retirees were grandfathered in at zero. Why do you want to hurt the existing retirees. You wouldn't be making the wages you are today or have the benefits that you do today if it weren't for the ones that went before.


Well-Known Member
The Western Conference and Local 177 H&W DISASTER!

So they actually showed up to union meetings and cared? What a noble idea. People keep blaming the union and crying on the internet but I never see the hall filled. You think a vote will change things? If you want change get members involved with the union. I can't believe the terrible turnout for contract meetings......The fact is people think the union is a service instead of a membership. Gas used to be $1.00 and teamsters acted like teamster. Unfortunately things change and you must adapt or die.


Well-Known Member
All I remember was UPS hiring drivers out of the woodwork in the '80s, specifically the middle to late years of that decade. For you old timers, at the onset of NDA. It stands to reason that those drivers will now be retiring and putting a significant drain on the pension. I watched L177's pension fund drop so fast into the red it made my head spin. It will happen to others.

The West pension assets are over 32 Billion! That's with a "B" so as I explained before, we in the west are good.
Re: The Western Conference and Local 177 H&W DISASTER!

I am a retired UPSer who feels that even at 300.00 month is still a steal. That's for medical, vision, prescription and dental and for the entire family.You can't even come close to that. Lets be real now and except the bargain of 300.00 0n the 3rd year and for the rest of the contract.


Well-Known Member
The West pension assets are over 32 Billion! That's with a "B" so as I explained before, we in the west are good.
I love that B word!
This is one reason why I'm preparing to retire with peer80. Get those funds before they run out, or as some have pointed out, before the teamsters shift funds to prop up other less performing pension funds.


Well-Known Member
I love that B word!
This is one reason why I'm preparing to retire with peer80. Get those funds before they run out, or as some have pointed out, before the teamsters shift funds to prop up other less performing pension funds.
..."or as some have falsely pointed out" is what you meant.


Well-Known Member
I love that B word!
This is one reason why I'm preparing to retire with peer80. Get those funds before they run out, or as some have pointed out, before the teamsters shift funds to prop up other less performing pension funds.

Each year, your Plan’s Trustees work closely with independent investment advisors and actuaries to review different indicators of the Plan’s financial strength. Funding levels are one of the best measures of a pension plan’s strength.
In 2006, Congress passed a law called the Pension Protection Act that requires all pension plans to measure their funding ratios in new, more stringent ways. One ratio compares the value of Plan assets to the value of all Plan benefits earned to date by all participants.
Based on this Pension Protection Act ratio, pension plans are rated as in either the Red (weakest), Yellow (endangered) or Green (strongest) zones. Using this method, the Plan’s enrolled actuary has calculated that the Plan’s funding percentage is in neither endangered nor critical status—placing it "in the Green Zone for 2013."

Information from the WCTPP Website

You will be long gone even if that scenario could ever happen so you shouldn't scare people when you are blessed to have a kick ass plan here in the west. Be humble because many other regions are not as fortunate as you.

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Re: The Western Conference and Local 177 H&W DISASTER!

I am a retired UPSer who feels that even at 300.00 month is still a steal. That's for medical, vision, prescription and dental and for the entire family.You can't even come close to that. Lets be real now and except the bargain of 300.00 0n the 3rd year and for the rest of the contract.
This type of thinking is very short sighted. Perhaps some examples will explain why.
1. Joe retired from UPS 4 years ago at age 50 his pension is about $3500 per month. Last year he moved out of the West in order to return to work. Joe now works for FedEx in Indiana.
2. Steve retired 6 years ago at age 52. Steve returned to work almost immediately for non-union Sam's Club.
3. Joe H. retired about 5 years ago out of North Cal and moved to another western state. He now drives for a non-union freight company.
4. Tom retired out of Chicago and moved to a right to work state in the West. He drives a bus, yet won't join the Teamsters.

I can give numerous other examples of retired UPSers now working for non-union companies in order to supplement their retirement. When you increase the cost to retirees they will reenter the work force often with non-union companies that take work from union companies. Now why would you want to increase the cost to existing retirees, especially when UPS is making record profits.


Well-Known Member
The Western Conference and Local 177 H&W DISASTER!

You do know they don't have to retire early and can work till they max out their pension at UPS. If a guy wants to take early retirement at 50 that is entirely up to him. I know at 50 a lot of people leave to spend more time with their family so if you give examples please give a full spectrum. Thx


Re: The Western Conference and Local 177 H&W DISASTER!

You do know they don't have to retire early and can work till they max out their pension at UPS. If a guy wants to take early retirement at 50 that is entirely up to him. I know at 50 a lot of people leave to spend more time with their family so if you give examples please give a full spectrum. Thx
I also am aware of those that work well past retirement age and with the increase in health care costs more probably will choose to continue working rather than retire. Many of those that are currently retired will choose to return to the work force only this time they will work for non-union companies. Increasing costs to retirees hurts all of us in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Re: The Western Conference and Local 177 H&W DISASTER!

I also am aware of those that work well past retirement age and with the increase in health care costs more probably will choose to continue working rather than retire. Many of those that are currently retired will choose to return to the work force only this time they will work for non-union companies. Increasing costs to retirees hurts all of us in the long run.

Like I said before but you did not answer. Do you think 50 dollars a month for retiree and his family (which started in the 90's and about 20 years ago) is still sustainable? I recently had a retired steward meet me on route to ask about the guys and our contract. He said he told all the drivers back then that the $50 was not forever and they did not listen. Many times drivers think contract rules will never change once they retire.... The reality is everything is up for renegotiation each year. Just look at the voter turnout and how many UPSers go to general membership meetings..... You would think they would be more involved and prepared.

Look how much economics have changed on the Health and Welfare........ CLICK HERE (This is article 34 for the 1997-2002 contract..... That ended just 2 contracts ago) Like I said before why even go for $50 for retiree medical, it is so close to free do you think a no vote can get $0.

How much has gas gone up since 1995? Who is being realistic?
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Well-Known Member
Re: The Western Conference and Local 177 H&W DISASTER!

Good question but this is just an update (I will not pretend to have all the answers like TOS). That is why they will be releasing a mail-out with a 1-800 number and website soon.

Looks like you better make sure this : "up to 26 years of age" dependent clause is in there; since it's in the law now.

Do you really think that all WC/177 members will receive HC Plan plan summary descriptions prior to the ballot mailer?

I am one who strongly feels that sending out ballots in Nov with a 12-10 deadline might not be enough time for members to genuinely digest and understand what is being asked of us to accept, OR reject.

Was as there ever ANY mention of extending the MOU or the Ballot reception deadline so that ALL bargaining members have a credible chance to understand this all???

i think it's NOT enough time to make a valued choice!


Well-Known Member
The Western Conference and Local 177 H&W DISASTER!

I don't think you understood me, let me explain this to you again......... "This is just an update (I will not pretend to have all the answers like TOS). That is why they will be releasing a mail-out with a 1-800 number and website soon."


Well-Known Member
There will be a conference call on Saturday, November 2, 2013, at 2:00pm EST to discuss the newly established Teamsters Western Region and Local 177 Health Care Plan. Representatives from the plan will be on the call to discuss plan benefits and answer questions. Also on this call there will be contract updates as well.

The phone # for the call is 1-877-327-9495, ID code 111566.