Brother you have some very fine points. Things to bring up next proposal meetings.
Thanks. Unfortunately, they will not care unless the leadership changes to folks that care what we say. And then there's the problem of our local BA who sat in front of the ups membership and lied about these fine points, saying it wasn't true.
Some people have given up. Some want to decertify and/or deauthorize their representation.
Some that step up to the plate to fight it win (Dallas) even though they're put down by old guard supporters, and it encourages the rest of us.
This union is at a turning point in my opinion and the outcome of the next general election will determine what's ahead.
Right now, if it was available, a national RTW law would affect thousands (much worse than TDU) and no one can say that the leadership didn't bring it on themselves.
The company resigned themselves to going back to the table.
Taylor, et al, said... Nope, we are done.
*What don't we understand about what happened? How could the leadership
NOT take advantage of the company's willingness to renegotiate again, to better our contract?
For me, that is the telling question.