Theft comes in many different forms. Ive seen drivers borrow COD money then pay it back on payday. That person got caught and sent down the road. Another driver got caught in a pinch and just pocked
the COD money. Of course thats when we handled cash.
We have all seen call tags with much lesser weight on them. I have picked up os3 packages with under 50 lbs on the tag. I turn them all in for adjustment. One that really torks me off is when a cumtomer said we never got the package and ups gets to pay the claim and they end up getting a 2 for 1 deal. I wont dr that house any more. They get to sign
for their stuff.
UPS is also scared to death that we are stealing time from the company by pee breaks , talk time,ect. those time studys are for a perfect world
and my rt has a good one. Friday I did 143 stops out of a p32, 200 miles
that was 9.5 plan day. I punched out at 12 hrs with 10 stops left in the truck. My point is I dont have time to take a 5 min. lunch. Is this stealing
from the driver when they deduct 1 hr automatically. Its a catch 22
I know what you are thinking if one dosent take lunch time thats your falt. Vacation replacement drivers dont have lunch breaks on their mind.
They just want to get thru the RT without missed or commit packages.
This peak we had temp loaders. I had to go thru every package and throw out at least 10 missloads. Packages were not even close to being put on the correct shelves. We all were staring before out start times and management would not allow us to start early. Is this theft??
Just some of my observations on theft. I certainly could go on and on.
For the most part UPS employees are honest, quality people that work their rear ends off.

rear end off.