Theme song


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I have nothing against Liberace. I watched him many times thanks to my parents control over the 3 stations we received on our tv. I just like to "bust hazelnuts". (never heard it said that way) :-)
Lol, 3 channels.


Retired 23 years
Lol, 3 channels.
Not funny --- that is all that was available up here in the Northland back in the late 50's early 60's. Even today if you don't have cable or a dish you are limited to only one network channel and 4 or 5 PBS channels.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Not funny --- that is all that was available up here in the Northland back in the late 50's early 60's. Even today if you don't have cable or a dish you are limited to only one network channel and 4 or 5 PBS channels.
Can you imagine if they were to come back and see direct tv?


Retired 23 years
Can you imagine if they were to come back and see direct tv?
The first time I saw cable tv (1971) I thought it was the greatest thing ever invented. I mean a CLEAR picture and maybe 15 or 20 channels. We lived in an upstairs apartment so I bought a 3-way splitter and tapped into the peoples cable tv downstairs who were rich enough to afford it. Every night after it got dark outside I would hang out the bathroom window and plug in my pirate cable. :-)


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
The first time I saw cable tv (1971) I thought it was the greatest thing ever invented. I mean a CLEAR picture and maybe 15 or 20 channels. We lived in an upstairs apartment so I bought a 3-way splitter and tapped into the peoples cable tv downstairs who were rich enough to afford it. Every night after it got dark outside I would hang out the bathroom window and plug in my pirate cable. :-)
In the 70's CB radio was messing up everybody's TV reception. Cable tv solved that problem.


Retired 23 years
In the 70's CB radio was messing up everybody's TV reception. Cable tv solved that problem.
Every once in awhile if you messed around with that early cable tv you could pull in some free porn. It was usually a rolling picture but you could get it down to a slow roll so it was watchable.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Every once in awhile if you messed around with that early cable tv you could pull in some free porn. It was usually a rolling picture but you could get it down to a slow roll so it was watchable.