Without the union, you wouldn't have a job.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Tieguy isnt union. Hes trying to be funny.
Without the union, you wouldn't have a job.
Or even better, maybe you could hand back your medical card, pay for your own prescprtions, become an at will employee, work 52 weeks with no paid time off, work 11 hours a day with no over time, work for less per hour much less, you can give up your seniority, work every holiday at straight pay, and contiue to suck off the tit of others!
Man you should really be writing childrens stories with the imagination that you have. You as a part time sup had drivers listenig to you, and you had a thousand sup working grievances filed against you and not 1 was ever paid. I call BS but I will buy your books, my kids like a good comedy.
If I follow the contract why would they pay a grievance? With help from the union I could get drivers to follow the contract. Why is that hard to believe?
If your in management and you follow the contract please transfer to my center.
I left mgmt in 96
Concerning unions not fully representing non-union employees in right to work states.......I think it would be a good idea if they represented a fired or grieving non dues paying employee with the same effort as they would a union member simply because nowadays union membership is on the decline. If someone is reluctant to join a union but see a steward go to bat for him/her and saves their job then that might convince them to start paying dues.
I say screw that! With your line of thinking maybe we should just move in a couple freeloaders of the street and allow them to wear our clothes and eat our food. I dont have the luxury thank god of dealing with these scabs, but if I did I wouldnt have a kind word for them.
Concerning unions not fully representing non-union employees in right to work states.......I think it would be a good idea if they represented a fired or grieving non dues paying employee with the same effort as they would a union member simply because nowadays union membership is on the decline. If someone is reluctant to join a union but see a steward go to bat for him/her and saves their job then that might convince them to start paying dues.
while you're doing your research
might as well read some of the negatives.
while you're doing your research
might as well read some of the negatives.
The reason unions are on the decline is that they will throw a junior guy under the bus. The senior guys think ONLY of THEMSELVES and will sell out the junior members and guys who aren't even union members yet.
I honestly believe that UPS would fall apart without a union.
The reason unions are on the decline is that they will throw a junior guy under the bus. The senior guys think ONLY of THEMSELVES and will sell out the junior members and guys who aren't even union members yet.