As I stated earlier, I would not qualify for retirement until 8/1/15. In our supplement we have to chose vacations in October the previous year in seniority order. I had to chose my Vacations in October of 2014 for year 2015. I still needed 156 reports to earn the full vacation package in order to get paid 6 weeks for 2016. 8/1/15 would not equal 156 reports. I guess your answer would be to work until 1/2/16 to make sure I got paid the weeks for 2016. How else would you advise to prepare for that one? By the way, are you going to tell the other driver that he is screwing up by leaving before 1/2/16 when you ask him the vacation pay question?
In addition, I had no idea if I would get the flu, break a leg, etc for year 2015 in October of 2014.
I decided I wanted to make the 156 reports to get the full vacation pay for 2016, so 90 days out I chose 9/9/15.
Hey, if you know someone who can chose the exact date 11 months out, but have to meet certain numbers of reports and hours worked, and not think about what could go wrong, then you should do more than work at UPS.
My supplement makes it nearly impossible to chose an exact date 11 months out unless one is willing to take a risk that is not worth taking. This might be why we have a no more than 90 day and no less than 60 day window to apply for retirement, instead of 11 months.
By the way, the Jury is not out on my 2016 pay. My supplement states I am entitled to it, and oh by the way, I was a 25 year steward, so that pretty much means I know my supplement.
Again, my mistake was trusting that my manager would do his job. Hindsight, I guess I should have watched him take me out of the system, but I also have never went in on Mondays to make sure the clerk inputted my hours for payroll. I worked in Feeder. One would hope that a Feeder manager has had people retire before. Heck, I watched 3 others do it in the last 9 months who worked for him.