Your not talking about "marching in the streets", "bbsam"'re talking about BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE! What's more, you've defended those who ALREADY have started such "burning". As for Jefferson's quote, he was speaking of PATRIOTS! Not some imbeciles who are attempting to DESTROY what true patriots have spent their effort and life-blood to build.
Is speech protected? Sure...but your right to free "speech" ends when you try to start your neighbor's house afire. Read your post again, didn't mention anything about "the two party system", or about gradual change, rather you SPECIFICALLY talked about "burning down the house". You offered NOTHING in the way of POSITIVE solutions; you're entire premise was - and is - one based on DESTRUCTION.
"Yes", I *DID* bring up the French point out the excesses and human misery it brought about. You, on the other hand, DEFENDED those excesses, and attempted to JUSTIFY them. Makes me think that you and the Jacobins would have gotten along right nicely! And, if you recall, Jefferson's "actual blood" quote went something like...
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"
Now, given that you want to DESTROY the most contributory citizens of the country, to TAKE AWAY their liberty, in order to further your OWN special interests...coupled with a declared wish to make those people - specifically those who nourish your very existence - your "servants", just which class of person do you consider YOURSELF to be in? I can state unequivocally that you're most certainly not a 'patriot"...but your sure as Hell seem bent on becoming a "tyrant". The fact that you apparently DO wish to shed the blood of TRUE patriots while BECOMING a "tyrant" seems a pretty strong indication along those lines, doesn't it?
In the end, I'm not sure this *IS* "your country too", "bbsam". You see, I feel this country belongs to those who are willing to WORK for it, and to those who cherish the freedoms of individual expression and initiative it fosters...and the ability to gather the fruits from same. You're nothing like that type of person. To say that this country "belongs' to the likes of you - a person who wants to DESTROY it - is an abomination.