Time to clean house

Jim Rockford

Well-Known Member
2/3 vote in certain circumstances is used in democracy.

You can either accept it or try to change it.

You may want to get involved to try to change things if that is the will of the members.

If you truly believe there is corruption I hope you are doing something about it.

Whatever guy...brick wall. Is it easy to be this obtuse? Either run for teamster prez or vote in rigged elections..guess the choice is easy.


This isn't 1930, geez. Unions are going the way of the dodo bird and the Teamsters have done their part in helping it along. The Teamsters may look "cleaned up" from afar since the 90's; but it is pretty obvious that they're dirty like any other big corporation, at the core. The last 11 years has definitely shown this.


Binge Poster
This isn't 1930, geez. Unions are going the way of the dodo bird and the Teamsters have done their part in helping it along. The Teamsters may look "cleaned up" from afar since the 90's; but it is pretty obvious that they're dirty like any other big corporation, at the core. The last 11 years has definitely shown this.
What have you done to try to make it better?


What have you done to try to make it better?
What is "it"? From what past stewards and reps have told me, I just want to retain some dignity and self-respect in my life. Self-preservation



Got the T-Shirt
The members in our local were the last bastion to hold up this horrendous, concessionary and collusionary CBA. Hoffa, Taylor seek to impose rejected UPS supplements

Our Local Union "leaders" aka Red Vest Slapdicks had nothing to do with 243's 1st rejection. They did jump on board and recommend a No vote the second time around after outrage from the members who will actually have the power to vote the current 243 "leadership" in or out. Teamster locals' 'no' votes throw wrench into UPS' contract implementation - FreightWaves The Hoffa loyalist 243 leaders are not shielded by a 50% turnout threshold or 2/3 majority vote in order to be voted out; they figured they had better put on a front late in the CBA process. Otherwise; come next local election, 243 leaders would have sealed their fate and would have had to find new jobs and actually work for a living. Regardless; 243 leaders will most likely be voted out due to their failure to represent the members during contract negotiations.

The Delegates at the last Teamster National Convention (Majority Red Vested) refused to change the 2/3 rule to a simple majority. They understood that a 50% threshold of UPS voters was not attainable; yet they refused to allow the dues paying career members votes to matter. There could have; and should have been a change in the Teamster Constitution to allow long time UPSers (or those who want to become long time UPSers) votes to count for something.

The Red Vested Hoffa UPS colluders knew this CBA would be voted down...therefore a change in the 2/3 rule had to be kiboshed.

Maybe some Non Red Vested pieces of garbage did not push for the simple majority. One way or the other; (NOT ALL but the majority) of our elected representatives whose salaries are paid by our dues did nothing to change the 2/3 rule.

I expect this nonsense from BUG, but from Integrity? not so much. You've changed brother. Did you get a brown blood transfusion, a new Red Vest...or are you no longer comprehending simple logic and concrete facts?

It is unacceptable the largest CBA in North America is not rejected/approved by a simple majority vote of the members who care enough to vote.

Nice conspiracy theory. You should call Jesse Ventura.

I agree with the 2/3 vote in this instance when voting turnout is poor.

Only 22% of UPS members even bothered to vote in the strike authorization.

Then.... not even 50% bothered to vote on their own contract.

@browned out can't come to terms with the fact that the majority

of UPS members don't care.... or they are just wimps.

There wasn't any mandate from the members to vote the contract down

and possibly go on strike. That's pretty much a no-brainer for the IBT.

People would have crossed a picket line in droves to pay for all those

Mercedes, BMW's, and $60,000 pickups in the parking lots.

UPS knows it's employees.



Binge Poster
Nice conspiracy theory. You should call Jesse Ventura.

Only 22% of UPS members even bothered to vote in the strike authorization.

Then.... not even 50% bothered to vote on their own contract.

@browned out can't come to terms with the fact that the majority

of UPS members don't care.... or they are just wimps.

There wasn't any mandate from the members to vote the contract down

and possibly go on strike. That's pretty much a no-brainer for the IBT.

People would have crossed a picket line in droves to pay for all those

Mercedes, BMW's, and $60,000 pickups in the parking lots.

UPS knows it's employees.

Well said!!


Well-Known Member
the time will come when a part timers vote will be 1/2 of a full timers.....stands to reason and levels who has the most at stake


My Senior Picture
What percentage of friend/T voted? Does the IBT release that figure?
I don’t know.
I don’t know.
....and more importantly, what percentage of transient part time employees didn't vote???

This dynamic is in play nowhere else in the Teamsters Union, yet @BigUnionGuy wants to pretend that it is those who park Mercedes Benz, BMWs, and $60,000 trucks in our parking lots that failed to vote.

The two-thirds/50% rule has no place at UPS and it's use in ratifying this latest contract was planned and hidden from the membership until after the National Master was voted.

Please don't piss down our backs and tell us it is raining @Integrity, it insults our intelligence.