Not intended to hurt your feelings, just to emphasize. Here is how much a company should make. My brother is a CPA. Auditing and advising multibillion dollar companies. From his opinion, and only his opinion, companies strive to achieve a double digit P/E ratio. UPS is there. So they should be making enough. And they are. They only raise their rates to keep up with labor costs and inflation. I'm sure they would like more, but the competition keeps them from being too greedy.
You do realize, of course, that we are the company. Management may run the company, but we are the company. We supply the blood, sweat, tears, pain and late nights. So as the profits go up, do you not think that we deserve a share of the profits? I did not say "all" the profits but a share of them. Management also deserves a share of the profits. Then the company as a whole deserves a share of the profits. Why do you think all the profits should go to the company when we are the company?
Problem is, there are not enough full time employees that care about the part timers. And not enough part timers that even themselves don't care enough to cast a ballot. This is why the part timers always lose. Remember when 2 part time votes only counted the same as 1 full time vote? They will always lose and never get what they deserve. The only reason they got a raise was to get a few of them to vote yes on the contract to counter the no votes from the full timers.
I agree that it is a part time job, but a lot of them aspire to go full time and sometimes have to work another full time job just to makes ends meet. They hold on to the part time job hoping that one day their seniority will allow them to go full time. McDonalds pays more.
Our cost of doing business may be more than our competitors, but we must be doing something right. We still maintain our volume. Sure we lose some, get some, lose some, etc. But in the end, our volume has remained consistent. FedEx and the USPS have not really grown that much and taken a lot away from us. Can that change? Sure, that is why UPS needs to keep its pricing competitive. Which they do and still keep a double digit P/E. So if their profits go up, Yes, I feel we deserve our share.