Time Travel Implications


Never bought my own handtruck
But to me changing the direction you drove is no minor change. How far out will that web span?
Depends on what interactions occur on that detour, eventually a regular Joe would’ve returned to their home and eat dinner, go to bed, and begin their reset routine. I’m not disagreeing with you, just saying that a minor ripple could theoretically stay small and harmless.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
But most people reset everyday. So if they made a left and it only changed minor events for that individuals day, then they went to work the next day and nothing different happened, nothing would change theoretically.
You never know, the amount of decesions one person makes in one day, maybe that left leads to a wreck that alters your lifestyle


Never bought my own handtruck
You never know, the amount of decesions one person makes in one day, maybe that left leads to a wreck that alters your lifestyle
Oh I totally agree. Most likely time travel and altering what one does is not going to result in things being the same. But take an average Joe and alter their day slightly and probably not much of the future will change. I don’t think the cataclysmic events shown in movies would occur if I went a different direction on my way home one night.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Oh I totally agree. Most likely time travel and altering what one does is not going to result in things being the same. But take an average Joe and alter their day slightly and probably not much of the future will change. I don’t think the cataclysmic events shown in movies would occur if I went a different direction on my way home one night.
I think ur future alters every decesion you make, it is like a running clock, updating every minute


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Oh I totally agree. Most likely time travel and altering what one does is not going to result in things being the same. But take an average Joe and alter their day slightly and probably not much of the future will change. I don’t think the cataclysmic events shown in movies would occur if I went a different direction on my way home one night.
The movie was trying to say the same events would happen but in a different way and by somebody different


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Oh I totally agree. Most likely time travel and altering what one does is not going to result in things being the same. But take an average Joe and alter their day slightly and probably not much of the future will change. I don’t think the cataclysmic events shown in movies would occur if I went a different direction on my way home one night.
For example if you went back and killed hitler before ww2, somebody else would take his place
For example if you went back and killed hitler before ww2, somebody else would take his place
Just like this movie where he tried to save his girlfriend?


Staff member
But take an average Joe and alter their day slightly and probably not much of the future will change.
Unless, by taking a left instead of a right, you didn't meet that woman who one day you would marry.
And even tho you are an average Joe, that child who would have been created had you met, would have one day been far more than an average Joe.

Reminds me of yet another Star Trek episode. You know the one, the Enterprise goes back in time, enters the Earths atmosphere. A fighter pilot gets too close, they beam him aboard. BUT they have to get him back, because his future son does something important.
Unless, by taking a left instead of a right, you didn't meet that woman who one day you would marry.
And even tho you are an average Joe, that child who would have been created had you met, would have one day been far more than an average Joe.

Reminds me of yet another Star Trek episode. You know the one, the Enterprise goes back in time, enters the Earths atmosphere. A fighter pilot gets too close, they beam him aboard. BUT they have to get him back, because his future son does something important.


nowhere special
This would be subject to my second bullet point. Simply being seen, even without interaction, could be enough stir things up. You could cause someone to change their original walk pace, to forget or remember something they originally remembered or forgot, distract them from seeing something they originally saw, stop them from saying something they originally said, and where might that lead? There's no telling how big of a ripple it could cause in the timeline.

Which begs another question. Does the original timeline still exist parallel to where you traveled to? Or have you simply moved to another point on one ultimate timeline? And if traveling creates a parallel timeline, does a new one get created each time you or someone else moves?
Schrödinger's cat

By just observing you have interfered


I'm a star
So several months ago I started pondering time travel and all the implications that would go along with it. The biggest one I considered was that if one was to to travel to another point in time, would they:

A. Take on a first-person perspective of themselves at that time, and would they exist at their age at that point in time or stay the same age as when they entered travel? And if they took on their original age at that point in time, would they retain all the memory and knowledge they had upon entering travel and have full autonomy over themselves? Or would they lose it all and would they repeat the same actions they did historically?​
Movie: About Time

Family trait amongst males, can travel back within their timelines at will. Good movie, does a good job of exploring implications.

Also TV show: Quantum Leap

Main character could travel back within his timeline by exchanging consciousnessses with other people.

If you were caught in a time loop, unable to remember things, like everyone but Bill Murray in Groundhog day, you wouldn't recognize that you were. Perhaps we all are.


B. Take on a third-person perspective, and be able to observe a version of themselves from another point in time in action.​

Any movie which builds a machine that transports you to a particular point in time.

My take is that if you built a time machine and went back in time, it's because that is always what happened. There was no past where you didn't exist in that period, the action you take in that time will have always happened. Most likely you will be the person who caused the event that you wish to go back and change.

Creating alternate timelines is the same as creating alternate universes. 1.21 Gigawatts, or jigawatts, is simply not enough energy to create an entirely new universe. Which leads to my next point, the only real way you could time travel (since I'm not convinced that time exists as its own dimension) is if you had enough power and had a device that could arrange every bit of matter in the universe to the point in time you wish to travel to. This would require the energy to not only stop the motion of every planet, star and galaxy, but to move every single atom to the point in space it existed at that time, then reset the motion of every body in the universe back on their original relative trajectories, speeds and spins. That kind of energy would have to come from outside the universe, and you would have to have a machine not only capable of moving the heavenly bodies, but also capable on making the infinite calculations needed to set everything back to where it was. If you were capable of creating such a thing, I don't know that there would be any way to distinguish between it and the idea of God.

In addition to this, other considerations I made included:

  • If time travel were possible, would it only be possible to go back and not forward, since technically it's impossible to observe what has not yet been done, and anything that has been observed is already in the past. And with that being said, would it be possible to return to the "present" after visiting the past?

We are traveling forward in time. If we could create a stasis chamber, you could time travel ala Fry in Futurama. But you wouldn't be able to go back unless the professor built you a time machine. I like their take on it, in that episode, where they went too far forward in time they had to keep going and let the universe loop.


  • Observation and interaction. Observable light in space is old. Very old; with many of the stars you see actually being millions of years dead. So whether actually traveling in time is possible or not, theoretically what would the possibility be of "folding" your point in space to simply observe the past, as the light continues to travel on.

Superman comics did a story line based on this, back in the 70's or 80's. Superman wanted to learn more about Krypton so he built a machine that could pick up the light reflected off of Krypton before it exploded and translate it into viewable video.

I like this idea of being able to look back and see what actually happened, at different points in history.

I don't know. There's a lot involved. And I'm sure many more implications I never even thought to consider. Though I'm willing to discuss any thoughtful takes on the subject.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Creating alternate timelines is the same as creating alternate universes. 1.21 Gigawatts, or jigawatts, is simply not enough energy to create an entirely new universe. Which leads to my next point, the only real way you could time travel (since I'm not convinced that time exists as its own dimension) is if you had enough power and had a device that could arrange every bit of matter in the universe to the point in time you wish to travel to. This would require the energy to not only stop the motion of every planet, star and galaxy, but to move every single atom to the point in space it existed at that time, then reset the motion of every body in the universe back on their original relative trajectories, speeds and spins. That kind of energy would have to come from outside the universe, and you would have to have a machine not only capable of moving the heavenly bodies, but also capable on making the infinite calculations needed to set everything back to where it was. If you were capable of creating such a thing, I don't know that there would be any way to distinguish between it and the idea of God.
Hell of a consideration. Admittedly one that I missed.