Time Travel Implications

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Can't say I saw any of that.
I agree.

Never saw a "kegger" until college. House parties were pretty subdued as they were generally chaperoned by parents. Most of the drinking and such happened out in the country in fields or while car cruising(yeah drinking and driving).....BTW, drinking at 18 was legal in my Senior year. No big deal....nor was drinking and driving.....my parents always took a cooler to out of town football games(mine).

Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.
So several months ago I started pondering time travel and all the implications that would go along with it. The biggest one I considered was that if one was to to travel to another point in time, would they:

A. Take on a first-person perspective of themselves at that time, and would they exist at their age at that point in time or stay the same age as when they entered travel? And if they took on their original age at that point in time, would they retain all the memory and knowledge they had upon entering travel and have full autonomy over themselves? Or would they lose it all and would they repeat the same actions they did historically?​


B. Take on a third-person perspective, and be able to observe a version of themselves from another point in time in action.​

In addition to this, other considerations I made included:

  • If time travel were possible, would it only be possible to go back and not forward, since technically it's impossible to observe what has not yet been done, and anything that has been observed is already in the past. And with that being said, would it be possible to return to the "present" after visiting the past?

  • The subject of time travel often and understandably so stresses the criticalness of not altering the time continuum and creating a paradox. The question remains to be addressed though of just how fragile the continuum is. Even without directly interfering with history, simply allowing yourself to be seen or making any kind of physical alterations to anything could cause someone to lose their train of thought, forget something, or remember something that they otherwise forgot in the original timeline. This could then cause another person to perform actions with major historical consequences in the long run.

  • How critical would the accuracy of anachronisms be? Assuming one could safely interact and be observed without critically altering time, would they need to completely shed themselves of all objects, words, and slang that didn't exist in that time? Or, would there be some flexibility here, allowing one to show off objects that though were made too late to have actually existed in the time that they traveled to, the object retains a look that allows it to still look like it belongs. Make sure to check the dates on your cash before bringing it with you.

  • Observation and interaction. Observable light in space is old. Very old; with many of the stars you see actually being millions of years dead. So whether actually traveling in time is possible or not, theoretically what would the possibility be of "folding" your point in space to simply observe the past, as the light continues to travel on.

I don't know. There's a lot involved. And I'm sure many more implications I never even thought to consider. Though I'm willing to discuss any thoughtful takes on the subject.