Hey buddy, I've been working 55 hours + the last few weeks, I didn'thave timedidn't feel the need to read a report from a congress with almost the lowest approval numbers in the history of numbers.
I'm done arguing this. Torture and execute them all, screw their "feelings". Starve them to death for all I care.
- Out
Shows what you know. This wasnt a congressional report, it was a SENATE report.
The right wing has attempted to downplay the report using every excuse known to man in order to HIDE the truth from the American public.
There was no actionable information gained in any of the torture events. There were no lives saved.
You may not like the answers, or the report, but it doesnt change the facts.
The right wing has to protect bush and cheney at all costs, even at your expense by lying to you.
YOU however, wouldnt know the difference.
I use the term "congress" to group them all together. They combine to make up the legislative branch of the government, so hell, I don't need to say "The Senate" or "The congress". Besides, now the legislative branch has been replaced with the executivebranchorder, so it hardly matters anyway.
This is where you and I differ (once again). I don't care what an administration's party affiliation is, if I agree with what you do, then that's all that matters. I'm perfect;y fine with Obama's use of drones in the middle east, I think they should use more of them and drop a lot more bombs.
So, if the right wing has conspired to hide the truth, how did you find it out? From listening to Joe Scarborough and Al Sharpton on "Racist Nation"?
Since when is the USA a lawless country?
Yeah, that has really worked out well. Nothing like torturing children to get your point across. The Palestinians have really warmed up to Israel.As far as the effectiveness of enhanced interrogation techniques, just ask the Israelis.
As far as it causing additional American deaths, I doubt it. These people already hate us and torturing a few prisoners isn't likely to change that.
Ya think?As far as making us less than human, you may have a point there.
As for people favoring the previous administration over the present, there are plenty of people on both sides of that argument, and I think Obama has it easier in the court if public opinion than bush because of the liberal media. Personally, I feel that both dems and pubs are scum
Germany throws its hat into the ring.
Malaysia has already CONVICTED BUSH and his administration for war crimes.
BUSH and his cronies deserve whatever happens to them.
If you can't see what I'm saying, maybe it's because you don't want to. I think for myself, and some things are obvious.Yeah, that has really worked out well. Nothing like torturing children to get your point across. The Palestinians have really warmed up to Israel.
Really? You don't think that treatment of prisoners in Abu Ghraib caused any deaths of Americans? IED's? Not in retribution for our actions? Where do you think ISIS/ISIL came from?
Ya think?
Liberal media? Really? All media is owned by a handful of big corporations. MSNBC is the only liberal outlet, and I don't even watch it. If you think Dems and Pubs are the same, you aren't paying attention. Check the record on how they vote. Just check how they vote on issues that you, personally, feel are important. Get back to me on that. If you need help on voting records, I'll be happy to post them here, if they can get by the censors.
Ever wonder why ISIS doesn't attack Israel? Is Israel supporting ISIS? Google that.If you can't see what I'm saying, maybe it's because you don't want to. I think for myself, and some things are obvious.
As far as the Israelis, they are already hated by countries on all sides who have made it clear that they won't rest until Israel is gone. They do what's necessary to protect themselves, and so far they have been pretty successful.
As I said before, I'm no proponent for torture. But you do what's necessary to protect your people, or you are no longer a nation, just part of someone else's control.
And if you can't tell that dems and pubs are practically the same,sparing a few minor differences, then I give up trying to convince you.
And yes, the media is quite liberal if you look at it objectively.
But if you have already made up your mind then there is no purpose in discussing this any further.
Ask your hero. When did he start unilaterally writing policy and deciding what LAWS he chooses to enforce? Here's a hint, he can't do either.
I'm glad to hear that isis executed foreign fighters who wanted to leave, so mean of me
Oh yeah, I'm sure Bush gives a damn about what the Germans and Malaysia think. Can they convince Obama to extradite him for war crimes? LOL
They dont have to. If BUSH or CHENEY leave the country and Interpol finds out, they can nab both of them and send them to the international court and held without bail, tried and convicted and there would be nothing the USA could do about it.
Cheney was almost nabbed in Canada a couple of years ago before his surgery. Too bad they found out about Interpols presence and turned the plane around back to the USA.
So close.