Hate to get into this thread but.....
I couldn't care less that we tortured suspected terrorist. Hell I'll hold the water next time. Interpol can wait for me at the airports.
Oh and I guess we should outlaw water now too hu TOS?.
This is the very reason "WE" shouldnt torture anyone. People like this would approve of "kidnapping" innocent persons, holding them for years without charges ( thanks to Bush taking Habeus Corpus out of the constitution, something Hitler did in WWII with the "enabling act of 1933)
Placing those innocent persons into black sites around the world, torturing them days on end, then discovering nothing, only to let them go without a single charge after years of imprisonment.
Its this kind of stupidity that keeps americans from being respected around the world.
542, its clear you dont have any humanity in your conscience when you support the torturing of persons illegally grabbed in countries where "We" were not fighting and sent to prisons around the world to be mistreated and tortured for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
People like you complain about 9/11, beheadings and such, yet, stay quiet when it comes to the hundreds of charges filed against our own soldiers for war crimes that include the raping of iraqi children, the murder of iraqi children, the raping of iraqi and afghanistan women, the murder of the same, the sodomy of young iraqi men and there eventual murders, the robberies of iraqi people and shooting of innocent civilians in both countries.
You complain about heheadings, but our own troops have been acting like animals in both countries and the crimes committed by our own soldiers make those beheadings look like a "tea party".
Innocent persons should never be tortured, no matter what. This country made an agreement with the world to prevent torture and we have an obligation to honor that agreement.
BUSH and his administration had NO LEGAL authority to order torture given the law and agreement with the Geneva Convention, and no rationale can get around it.