Tractor trailer accident PA 5 dead


double tap o da horn dooshbag
I dont know why the state police doesnt take one day every month and write 100s of tickets to fedex,Swift, and tour bus drivers. You could literally give a ticket to every single swift and fedex driver i see on the road. Never once, do I ever see a UPS tractor trailer driving like an A hole. Correction, one time a sleeper bobtailing drove past me like i was standing still. The only time I have ever seen one of ours driving erratic, and he was only speeding. The Swift and Fedex guys have zero patience. They are either high beaming you, or getting in the far left lane to go around you, or passing on the right. Complete A holes

My state troopers are always pulling commercial drivers over during my commute daily, they're out there!

Poop Head

Judge me.
I know nothing about this particular accident, but it has always bothered me how FAST those tour buses go.
They speed all the time, and the cops do nothing. How many times have you had them blow by you in the left lane?
The ones I see are really good at tailgating passenger cars, if that says anything.

I dont know why the state police doesnt take one day every month and write 100s of tickets to fedex,Swift, and tour bus drivers. You could literally give a ticket to every single swift and fedex driver i see on the road. Never once, do I ever see a UPS tractor trailer driving like an A hole. Correction, one time a sleeper bobtailing drove past me like i was standing still. The only time I have ever seen one of ours driving erratic, and he was only speeding. The Swift and Fedex guys have zero patience. They are either high beaming you, or getting in the far left lane to go around you, or passing on the right. Complete A holes
I swear this is a technique that is taught to FedEx. They shut their lights off and just let er rip in the wee hours of the morning.


Pineapple King
I have seen FedEx Ground drivers over the past couple of years really slow down almost to the point you'd think they were being paid by the hour. Now fuel tankers and car carriers those guys are complete speeding a-holes.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure they are just plain white. I’ll have to take a peek tomorrow.
Our rentals don’t have shields. They have the black placard on them. I see no black placard or shield on the tractor in the picture I saw of the accident. But I did see a picture of two people browned up standing by the scene. Management or the drivers?


Well-Known Member
Hopefully the two browned up are the drivers and not management. The other one looks like a couple coyotes to me. That Mercedes is smashed. I would not be surprised if one, or both of those UPS trailers were being hauled by coyotes. PA locals love them some coyotes. The weakest locals I have ever seen. Year round at Willow they are not only on property, but they pull loads right off the doors. Absolute disgrace.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
That stretch of the Turnpike can be wicked. It goes over the highest mountain ridge in the state and is long and steep right where this happened. The worst weather I've ever driven in in my life was on this stretch Valentine's Day 2015 shuttling air. I'll never forget it. It rained all day yesterday then the temperature dropped and turned to snow last night. Doesn't help that people drive like ass bags on the Turnpike. Throw a little black ice on the mountain and you're asking for a disaster.

Poop Head

Judge me.
car carriers those guys are complete speeding a-holes.
Yeah, I'll second that one. Just as bad as cement truck drivers in the city. I stopped flippin the bird to the car haulers when I found out most are union. But yeah, *
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