Tractor trailer accident PA 5 dead


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
last stop of the day and lady says , “I’m so glad these weren’t on those wrecked trucks on the turnpike” was a box of paper towels. This is the sick demented amazon junkies we have deal with! RIP UNION BROTHERS ...DROP AMAZON! BRING BACK ALL SUREPOST VOLUME!

Richard Harrow

last stop of the day and lady says , “I’m so glad these weren’t on those wrecked trucks on the turnpike” was a box of paper towels. This is the sick demented amazon junkies we have deal with! RIP UNION BROTHERS ...DROP AMAZON! BRING BACK ALL SUREPOST VOLUME!

Some, if not most of our residential customers are completely detached from reality.

Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's sad. This one is just sickening.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
One of your members saw that those feedah drivahs tried their best not to collide directly into the bus to minimize casualties... kudos to them!


Got the T-Shirt
That part of the PA turnpike is not somewhere, you cannot pay attention.

I have a brother that has been PA turnpike employee for 27 years (Teamster :biggrin:)

and tells me it is very lightly patrolled by the state police. And the speed limit is 70.

I've ridden with him, and if you're going 80.... people will pass you.


Retired 23 years
I've driven I-80 out there on a few occasions. The further east you get the crazier it gets.


Well-Known Member
That part of the PA turnpike is not somewhere, you cannot pay attention.

I have a brother that has been PA turnpike employee for 27 years (Teamster :biggrin:)

and tells me it is very lightly patrolled by the state police. And the speed limit is 70.

I've ridden with him, and if you're going 80.... people will pass you.

Yep. Lead, follow, or get the heck out of the way. :)


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Much respect to any feedah drivah. The feeders look like they purposely jack knife to avoid head on collision

Just too many idiot drivers, commercial or not, are out there...

at least my 10,000 lb. package vehicle is more maneuverable

I don't want to get a CDL A or ride a road motorcycle anymore

They jackknifed, but no tractor-trailer driver would ever do that purposely, at speed.


nowhere special
PENNSYLVANIA (AP) — Federal investigators said Monday a packed bus passed a truck on the Pennsylvania Turnpike shortly before losing control and causing a chain-reaction wreck that killed five and injured dozens.

“I thought it was devastating,” Homendy said after reviewing evidence. “I imagine that if you were in this accident, that it was scary.”

She said the motor coach began its trip at 10 p.m. Saturday in Queens, New York, then stopped in Manhattan and Hackensack, New Jersey. She said driver Shuang Qing Feng, 58, was about 10 miles from being subbed out by the next driver when his bus passed a FedEx truck.

“Down the road” the driver lost control and the bus hit a concrete median barrier, went up an embankment and ended up blocking the westbound turnpike travel lanes, she said. The FedEx truck could not stop and hit the bus, after which a UPS truck also struck it.
Investigators say bus passed truck before wreck killing 5


Well-Known Member
That part of the PA turnpike is not somewhere, you cannot pay attention.

I have a brother that has been PA turnpike employee for 27 years (Teamster :biggrin:)

and tells me it is very lightly patrolled by the state police. And the speed limit is 70.

I've ridden with him, and if you're going 80.... people will pass you.
It is a horrible road. I’ve never been that Far West but I have been a little ways past Harrisburg from the East. People I work with love Harrisburg runs. You couldn’t pay me to take a Harrisburg run. If you break down, good luck. Walk up on the grass and wait for your trailer to get ran into at 70mph. No where to pull over except every once in a while those built in turn offs. Nothing but one hill after another and not long drawn out hills. Very sudden. Up down up down. And nothing but curves. It’s a joke that road is 70.


Well-Known Member
last stop of the day and lady says , “I’m so glad these weren’t on those wrecked trucks on the turnpike” was a box of paper towels. This is the sick demented amazon junkies we have deal with! RIP UNION BROTHERS ...DROP AMAZON! BRING BACK ALL SUREPOST VOLUME!
I’d play soccer with all her packages from now on every day. I’d kick the * out of every one. Disgusting comment.
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Maple Grove MN Driver

Cocaine Mang!
last stop of the day and lady says , “I’m so glad these weren’t on those wrecked trucks on the turnpike” was a box of paper towels. This is the sick demented amazon junkies we have deal with! RIP UNION BROTHERS ...DROP AMAZON! BRING BACK ALL SUREPOST VOLUME!

She would never get a delivery from me again.
Put on Will Call permanently