Yep This place is full of lost, miserable people. No secret there. Whine, moan and complain about everything associated with their job yet they continue to scan that timeclock every morning. Negative and distrustful of everyone at FDX and bad mouthing people that like their job and are satisfied in their work life.
Compassion? For people that hate everything and everyone at the company that puts food on their table and enables them to pay their bills. If you hate it so bad, and are underpaid and mistreated, go work where you will make more and get treated better.
Yowza! I hope this cat is just a troll! If not, I hope the NSA is monitoring these posts, and they intercept him before he "makes a statement for god." OF, if you are a troll, I applaud the effort you have made - bravo! If your not, please seek professional help ASAP!