trump 2016


nowhere special
You do realize that the group called Anonymous is made up of different persons with different goals ?
Some could be for Trump and are against this war .

Agreed. Someone claiming to represent that group is anti Trump. It is a very anarchic organization with no central control so what one person says means little.


Well-Known Member
some of my favorite quotes from the democracy now interview with robert paxton:

AMY GOODMAN: So, what do you think of Donald Trump? Is he a fascist?

ROBERT PAXTON: Well, I think that Donald Trump shows a rather alarming willingness to use fascist themes and fascist styles, which—and the response this gets, the positive response, is alarming.

ROBERT PAXTON: Well, in the case of Hitler, it took him 13 years. It started in Munich as a minor fringe movement of disgruntled war veterans, and it percolated along.

AMY GOODMAN: That was from World War I.

ROBERT PAXTON: From World War I. This is 1920, early 1920s. In the election of 1924, he did very poorly, for a marginal party. Then you have the Depression in 1929 and 1930. And there are two things: There’s this huge economic crisis with millions and millions, tens of millions, unemployed, and there’s also a governmental deadlock. You cannot get any legislation passed without bringing in the social democrats. And the middle—center and right absolutely won’t work with social democrats, although they’re really quite moderate.

AMY GOODMAN: Wait, wait. What are—are you describing the United States, or are you describing—

ROBERT PAXTON: I’m describing—I’m describing the German—the German Weimar Republic really ceased to function as a republic in 1930, because nothing could be passed (in government)...


ROBERT PAXTON: ...The other party that’s growing is the Communist Party. And that’s what’s very different from today. There are two parties that are growing in 1932: the Communist Party and the Nazi Party. And if you don’t bring in the Nazi Party, then maybe it’s the Communists who are going to take over. There’s that dynamic of social panic....


so again in modern day greece, the 2 typical parties that people always voted for have lost support, and now you have 2 brand new parties who have either won or are gaining in popularity: syriza the far left anti capitalist party, and golden dawn who uses overt fascism.

in america you have bernie sanders who is pretty far left by american standards, im sorta suprised they let him debate but i guess its because he has little to say about military empire. and you have donald trump with his fascist tendencies.

many countries are undergoing the same thing where new parties are coming into power who are either far right or far left.

ROBERT PAXTON: Well, we don’t know what Donald Trump would do if he were elected president. He’s a thoroughly self-centered and aggressive personality. The danger, it seems to me, is that in a deadlock between Trump and the Congress or Trump and the courts, he would indeed take some kind of nonconstitutional action, and people would be afraid to say no.


ROBERT PAXTON: Well, Donald Trump—Donald Trump’s pandering to the hatreds and violent instincts of some of these crowds is very alarming. ... If Donald Trump puts his followers in colored shirts and they begin to fight in the streets, then you’ve got fascism.


AMY GOODMAN: Do you think Donald Trump is a danger to America or represents a danger that’s already here?

ROBERT PAXTON: I think that his violent and aggressive temperament installed in the powers of the president of the United States is unpredictable and frightening.


so anyways, we will see what happens to your country after the impending economic crisis which the corrupt US government failed to re-regulate. you already have a government which doesnt function, and a history of violence.
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nowhere special


Well-Known Member
my favorite quotes from the second part of democracy nows interview with robert paxton who teaches at columbia and is one of americas top experts on facism:

ROBERT PAXTON:...He’s touched the nerve with his style, which has fascist overtones, encouraging violence, attacking the internal enemy and so forth, saying that the system is rotten and it needs an outsider to fix it, which is a fascist kind of appeal—make Germany great, make America great...

AMY GOODMAN: I mean, talking about disparity, you have—what did the study show? Something like 63 of the world’s richest people have more wealth than three-and-a-half billion people. And 42 of them are right here in the United States.

ROBERT PAXTON: Yes, and it’s ironic that Trump is one of them, and somehow he’s seen as the outsider who will fix it....his aggressive style, which recalls Mussolini...


He’s very good at sensing the deep feelings of a crowd and playing them. This is another thing that sounds like Mussolini. Mussolini used to stand on the balcony and have exchanges with the thousands of people assembled in the streets below, and they would chant back and forth. He has brought those people into political activity. He’s given them a focus. And he’s installed himself as their spokesperson. And that’s an astonishing achievement.


ROBERT PAXTON: Yes, but one of the qualities of fascism was that they admired violence. They thought that violence had an esthetic quality, provided it was violence directed toward the revival of a damaged country or damaged state. And a little of that redemptive violence is showing up in Trump’s rhetoric, because he’s suggesting to the crowd and encouraging them to think that it’s good to rough up people they disagree with. And this is an ominous development.


ROBERT PAXTON: ... I think Trump adopts fascist themes. He revels in fascist techniques. He’s good at manipulating a crowd. There are, at the same time, profound differences...


Well-Known Member
like they did ISIS ? How do you chase something like this but discount the possible damage 15 million terrorist can do?
well they used to be very influential on twitter, but im not sure if theyve lost strength or if twitter changed its operation or what


Well-Known Member
my favorite quotes from the second part of democracy nows interview with robert paxton who teaches at columbia and is one of americas top experts on facism:

ROBERT PAXTON:...He’s touched the nerve with his style, which has fascist overtones, encouraging violence, attacking the internal enemy and so forth, saying that the system is rotten and it needs an outsider to fix it, which is a fascist kind of appeal—make Germany great, make America great...

AMY GOODMAN: I mean, talking about disparity, you have—what did the study show? Something like 63 of the world’s richest people have more wealth than three-and-a-half billion people. And 42 of them are right here in the United States.

ROBERT PAXTON: Yes, and it’s ironic that Trump is one of them, and somehow he’s seen as the outsider who will fix it....his aggressive style, which recalls Mussolini...


He’s very good at sensing the deep feelings of a crowd and playing them. This is another thing that sounds like Mussolini. Mussolini used to stand on the balcony and have exchanges with the thousands of people assembled in the streets below, and they would chant back and forth. He has brought those people into political activity. He’s given them a focus. And he’s installed himself as their spokesperson. And that’s an astonishing achievement.


ROBERT PAXTON: Yes, but one of the qualities of fascism was that they admired violence. They thought that violence had an esthetic quality, provided it was violence directed toward the revival of a damaged country or damaged state. And a little of that redemptive violence is showing up in Trump’s rhetoric, because he’s suggesting to the crowd and encouraging them to think that it’s good to rough up people they disagree with. And this is an ominous development.


ROBERT PAXTON: ... I think Trump adopts fascist themes. He revels in fascist techniques. He’s good at manipulating a crowd. There are, at the same time, profound differences...

Being called a facist by an extreme liberal is an honor conservatives automatically earn as soon as we run for any office.


Well-Known Member
Being called a facist by an extreme liberal is an honor conservatives automatically earn as soon as we run for any office.
i dont think you know the definition of liberal lol. theres more to the political spectrum than just liberal / conservative dichotomy.

how do you know hes a liberal?


Well-Known Member
She makes me want to throw up every time she says something.

after one particularly bad night of her screeching a few journalist commented on that horrible noise she makes. The PC crowd of course immediately tried to turn those comments into a case of sexism. what a bunch of BS no wonder Trump is gaining so much support.


Well-Known Member
The problem with the 'Trump is an incredible business man' claim is that he's not all that great as a business man.

Hard facts. Sorry. He kind of sucks.

Had to take loans from his father when his ventures failed, and failed, and...

Cheated the Casino commission in Jersey (told them one thing, did another, went bankrupt, cost a lot of people a lot of money...)

On, and on, and on.

Dear sweet 6-lb diapered baby Jesus, will you Trumpers do yourself a favor, and look up his record?

It's all there, and it's not that pretty.

I said it before - if you actually wanted a business man for President, Trump wouldn't be your guy.

Caveat emptor.


Well-Known Member
The problem with the 'Trump is an incredible business man' claim is that he's not all that great as a business man.

Hard facts. Sorry. He kind of sucks.

Had to take loans from his father when his ventures failed, and failed, and...

Cheated the Casino commission in Jersey (told them one thing, did another, went bankrupt, cost a lot of people a lot of money...)

On, and on, and on.

Dear sweet 6-lb diapered baby Jesus, will you Trumpers do yourself a favor, and look up his record?

It's all there, and it's not that pretty.

I said it before - if you actually wanted a business man for President, Trump wouldn't be your guy.

Caveat emptor.

I always enjoy watching Trumps detractors try to diminish his accomplishments all the while ignoring the fact that Hillary has a serious FBI investigation locked in on her.


Well-Known Member
The problem with the 'Trump is an incredible business man' claim is that he's not all that great as a business man.

Hard facts. Sorry. He kind of sucks.

Had to take loans from his father when his ventures failed, and failed, and...

Cheated the Casino commission in Jersey (told them one thing, did another, went bankrupt, cost a lot of people a lot of money...)

On, and on, and on.

Dear sweet 6-lb diapered baby Jesus, will you Trumpers do yourself a favor, and look up his record?

It's all there, and it's not that pretty.

I said it before - if you actually wanted a business man for President, Trump wouldn't be your guy.

Caveat emptor.

I just looked it up. Wow he took a million dollars turned it into 10 billion then paid the million back. Incredible. I never knew that about him.


Well-Known Member
I always enjoy watching Trumps detractors try to diminish his accomplishments all the while ignoring the fact that Hillary has a serious FBI investigation locked in on her.
I always enjoy Hillary detractors try to diminish her accomplishments all the while ignoring the fact that Trump has a serious IRS investigation locked in on him.