trump 2016

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The "MAKE AMERICA HATE AGAIN" tour was in full "swing" in Arizona on saturday!

Geez, the one black person at a Trump rally, and he ends up in handcuffs.

This violence is what Trump and his White supporters feel is going to win the White House.

Good luck with that.

Like ALL the other cases at Trump rallies, TRUMP has yet to PAY THE LEGAL FEES of any of them.

I doubt if he will pay the legal fees of this man either, if he does, then he shows America that he condones violence. TRUMP has painted himself into a tight box with violence, and this time, he has opened his mouth so wide its going to cost him.

In another rally, a TRUMP supporter sucker punched a protester and was arrested and charged with assault and battery. When he asked Trump to cover his legal fees, TRUMP responded:

"everyone needs to be responsible for their own actions"... then when pressed by reporters for his promise to pay the legal fees, TRUMP said " I asked our people to look into it, but I need to see what this man was doing first"...

Another empty promise, and another case of Trump double talk.
