trump 2016


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Don't recall her being in charge of the country when this happened.
I was referring to her failures as Secretary of State.

Failures like Libya.

Failures like her private e-mail server.

Failures like 4 dead Americans in Benghazi.

You know, those types of failures.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
The RNC today said that unless ___ gets the required minimum number of votes, they won't be the GOP candidate. Trump isn't going to reach 1,237, so a contested convention is quite likely.
Trump will easily reach 1237.

Have you seen the polls?

He's up big time in most of the states that are left.

He will probably be over 1350 by the convention.

But you keep on with that "Trump can't do it" mantra.

Like the "Trump can't get over 35%" garbage they used to say.

And let me know how it works out for you.


Bad Moon Risen'
I was referring to her failures as Secretary of State.

Failures like Libya.

Failures like her private e-mail server.

Failures like 4 dead Americans in Benghazi.

You know, those types of failures.
Put in the right perspective. Iraq War 3500+ combat deaths and over 32,000 wounded. Now you are talking failure.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Those are failures?

FOUR Americans died that shouldn't have.

Libya is a breeding ground for terrorists, when before it wasn't.

And we had Iraq to learn from that we shouldn't topple dictators unless there is a direct threat to us.

Taking out Gaddafi was a mistake and a total failure.

And you asking if these are failures is typical of the left wing followers, because you guys take everything Obama or Hillary says as the gospel.

Sad and pathetic that you either chose to use your brains, or you just are not capable of using your brains.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Put in the right perspective. Iraq War 3500+ combat deaths and over 32,000 wounded. Now you are talking failure.
Iraq became a total failure when Obama announce the date of our withdrawal, and the withdrew our troops.

Going into Iraq wasn't bright.

But pulling our troops out before we had a stable democratically elected government in power, was the biggest mistake Obama made.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Trump will easily reach 1237.

Have you seen the polls?

He's up big time in most of the states that are left.

He will probably be over 1350 by the convention.

But you keep on with that "Trump can't do it" mantra.

Like the "Trump can't get over 35%" garbage they used to say.

And let me know how it works out for you.

The POLLS dont assign delegates you people.

Secondly, you clearly have ZERO understanding of how the remaining states distribute DELEGATES, but then again, I wouldnt expect you to repeat anything more than you hear.

Its pretty clear, based on the distribution aspect of the remaining delegates, that trump will end up with approximately 1164 delegates, which is SHORT of the 1237 he needs.

Just because he LEADS in the polls in the remaining states doesnt mean he gets all the delegates in those states.

Some are Proportional, not that I expect you to understand what that even means, and in other states, they have UNBOUND delegates that none of the candidates get until the convention.

You said... "He will probably be over 1350 by the convention"

What are you smoking? That could only happen if Cruz and Kasich drop out of the race yesterday.

Where did you hear this projection?

Its pretty clear, Trump has only recieved 37% of the total GOP vote but he still has the majority of delegates but not enough to EARN the nomination.

Face it bro. TRUMP is headed for a contested convention, and there, he will NOT get the nomination and the republican party will implode to the enjoyment of the rest of thinking America.

Your understanding of the election cycle is laughable at times, but understandable given where you live. We are all products of our environment.



Well-Known Member
The POLLS dont assign delegates you people.

Secondly, you clearly have ZERO understanding of how the remaining states distribute DELEGATES, but then again, I wouldnt expect you to repeat anything more than you hear.

Its pretty clear, based on the distribution aspect of the remaining delegates, that trump will end up with approximately 1164 delegates, which is SHORT of the 1237 he needs.

Just because he LEADS in the polls in the remaining states doesnt mean he gets all the delegates in those states.

Some are Proportional, not that I expect you to understand what that even means, and in other states, they have UNBOUND delegates that none of the candidates get until the convention.

You said... "He will probably be over 1350 by the convention"

What are you smoking? That could only happen if Cruz and Kasich drop out of the race yesterday.

Where did you hear this projection?

Its pretty clear, Trump has only recieved 37% of the total GOP vote but he still has the majority of delegates but not enough to EARN the nomination.

Face it bro. TRUMP is headed for a contested convention, and there, he will NOT get the nomination and the republican party will implode to the enjoyment of the rest of thinking America.

Your understanding of the election cycle is laughable at times, but understandable given where you live. We are all products of our environment.


don't forget to put "and they lived happily ever after" on the end of your fairy tale.


Bad Moon Risen'
Iraq became a total failure when Obama announce the date of our withdrawal, and the withdrew our troops.

Going into Iraq wasn't bright.

But pulling our troops out before we had a stable democratically elected government in power, was the biggest mistake Obama made.
It became a total failure the minute we took out Hussein. You are ignorant to believe that Iraq was ever going to become a democratic nation. The Sunnis and Shia have been fighting for centuries and with the Kurds thrown into the mix you have a total clusterfluck. Nation building was not going to succeed then or now. Keeping our troops there is just going to result in more US casualties.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
They will never let it go.
Neither will the families of those 4.

It's not the fact that they died, it is the fact that Hillary left them there to die when they were screaming for help.

All for political reasons, because she didn't want to admit that Libya went to hell because Hillary helped take out Gaddafi.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
The POLLS dont assign delegates you people.

Secondly, you clearly have ZERO understanding of how the remaining states distribute DELEGATES, but then again, I wouldnt expect you to repeat anything more than you hear.

Its pretty clear, based on the distribution aspect of the remaining delegates, that trump will end up with approximately 1164 delegates, which is SHORT of the 1237 he needs.

Just because he LEADS in the polls in the remaining states doesnt mean he gets all the delegates in those states.

Some are Proportional, not that I expect you to understand what that even means, and in other states, they have UNBOUND delegates that none of the candidates get until the convention.

You said... "He will probably be over 1350 by the convention"

What are you smoking? That could only happen if Cruz and Kasich drop out of the race yesterday.

Where did you hear this projection?

Its pretty clear, Trump has only recieved 37% of the total GOP vote but he still has the majority of delegates but not enough to EARN the nomination.

Face it bro. TRUMP is headed for a contested convention, and there, he will NOT get the nomination and the republican party will implode to the enjoyment of the rest of thinking America.

Your understanding of the election cycle is laughable at times, but understandable given where you live. We are all products of our environment.

Except for Pennsylvania, most delegates will be awarded proportionally to the winner of that state.

That will be Trump in most cases.

Weren't you saying earlier about Trump wouldn't run for President.

Then you said Trump couldn't get over 35% of the vote.

Now you are saying he won't win the Republican nomination.

When are you going to be right?


Well-Known Member
Except for Pennsylvania, most delegates will be awarded proportionally to the winner of that state.

That will be Trump in most cases.

Weren't you saying earlier about Trump wouldn't run for President.

Then you said Trump couldn't get over 35% of the vote.

Now you are saying he won't win the Republican nomination.

When are you going to be right?

when his controller gives him the correct answers :)


Engorged Member
Neither will the families of those 4.

It's not the fact that they died, it is the fact that Hillary left them there to die when they were screaming for help.

All for political reasons, because she didn't want to admit that Libya went to hell because Hillary helped take out Gaddafi.

Dude, you just made my point. You have no idea what the families of those 4 are saying except what the usual sources tell you. What a drama queen.


Engorged Member
Except for Pennsylvania, most delegates will be awarded proportionally to the winner of that state.

That will be Trump in most cases.

Weren't you saying earlier about Trump wouldn't run for President.

Then you said Trump couldn't get over 35% of the vote.

Now you are saying he won't win the Republican nomination.

When are you going to be right?

Trump isn't going to get to 1,237. He won't be your candidate.