Trump meets with Kim Jung Un

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I think I helped to create the awareness that Current Events was/is a cesspool bereft of thoughtful dialogue.
It could never be a cesspool without all the dedication and contributions from dimwits.
It is a work of many people tirelessly posting stupid carp that makes Current Events what it is.
Therefore, I accept your recognition upon the behalf of all that post in Current Events.

Being cynical doesn’t make you special, just sad.
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Well-Known Member
Trump walks away like he solved everything, what a maroon.

How are the denuclearization talks going?

Bolton is in Russia giving Putin a hj, promising a reach-around when the summit occurs.

Even mustachioed Bolton has sunk to Trump’s water-table.

I didn’t respect Bolton before, but now he’s just another asteroid stuck in Trump’s black hole orbit.



Well-Known Member
You guys are so desperate for something negative.

I’m sorry, your ilk were so accepting of Obama’s different direction and gave him the benefit of the doubt.


People just like you spent every single year of Obama’s two terms trying to drag the dude down, now you want people to chill and give Trump a chance?

He has his chance, he’s the Prez, and he’s fkg it up.



Well-Known Member
I’m sorry, your ilk were so accepting of Obama’s different direction and gave him the benefit of the doubt.


People just like you spent every single year of Obama’s two terms trying to drag the dude down, now you want people to chill and give Trump a chance?

He has his chance, he’s the Prez, and he’s fkg it up.


did i mention Trump will be the most successful president in modern day history. what a nice contrast to do nothing Obama